See Known Issues, More Information and Post Release Updates at the end of this post. Last changes released on October 17th, 2:08PM.
Hi There, We just released a new update with the following features and bug fixes: En Español AQUI 1. 14 Halloween decorations: 4 as Gifts, 7 at the top of the Halloween category in the Store and 3 at the bottom. 2. 48 x 48 farm expansion for Farms 10 to 20: 40000000000 coins or 40 FarmCash. Please note that these expansions are for the *original farms* 10 to 20. If you have moved your farms around using the Farm Selector Manager then you will need to find your original farms from 10 to 20 to expand them. You can not expand a farm just because it is sitting in one of those locations in your Farm Selector. 3. Tree Shaker 40 x 40 (FC): This new Tree Shaker harvest up to 1600 trees in one click. 4. Flower Harvester 40 x 40 (FC): This new Flower Harvester harvest up to 1600 flowers in one click. 5. Other Improvements: a) Continued increasing speed when working neighbours facilities, we replaced the feedback provided by the Mayor by a fading text b) When you click a text in your Chat screen, if the farmer who wrote that text is still present her avatar menu will show up c) BugFix: Some farmers with special characters on their avatar names were not able to report/ignore other farmers 6. Create 'Purchase Offers' for Regular Products in your Trading Warehouse: Trading regular products using your Trading Warehouse works totally separate from trading regular products online using the "Sell Products to..." avatar menu option, it has different buying and selling limits, trading interval length and rewards. Here are the rules for buying and selling regular products using your Trading Warehouse: - There are a total of 6 categories of primary products: Crops, Tree Fruits, Tree Logs, Flowers, Animal Products and Fish - You can have only one Purchase Offer for each of those categories at any given time - There will be a maximum of 10 trade periods per day, each lasting 1 hour - If there is no current active trading period, one will be created the next time you create a Purchase Offer in your Trading Warehouse or sell a product to a farmer in her Trading Warehouse - You can passively buy and actively sell one time per category per period - You can buy once and sell once to the same farmer each day - You can not sell a product that you are also buying, for example, if you have a Purchase Offer for rice, you can not sell rice to others - The products you buy in your Trading Warehouse don't count toward your quest Trade Lifeline Trading Limits: - When you buy or sell a product you are limited to a certain fixed amount each time, a trading limit - For Crops, Tree Fruits, Tree Logs and Flowers the trading limits are the same for each product in a category, i.e. all crops have the same trading limit - For Animal Products and Fish the trading limits can vary for each product in a category, i.e. cow milk may have a different trading limit than turkey feathers - Trading limits are calculated based on your farms production capacity, so if you can generate a yield of 500,000 crops from your farms your trading limit for crops will be 1% of 500,000 = 5,000 crops. If you can generate a yield of 400 salmons from your waters your trading limit for salmon will be 1% of 400 = 4 salmons. - Your trading limits will be recalculated about once a week, so for example if you restructure your farms to have less trees and more crops or if you expand your farms and plant new flowers this change will be reflected in your trading limits the next time they are recalculated - When you open a Trading Warehouse of another farmer you will see your own limits not the limits of the Trading Warehouse owner, your trading limits will likely be different than hers, i.e. she may have a Purchase Offer for 3000 crops but your crops trading limit is only 1000 so you will only be able to sell her 1000 crops, to compensate for this, the other 2000 will be sold to her by the Mayor automatically. If your limit is 5000, then you will sell her 3000 and the Mayor will buy the rest from you automatically. Special Reward: - When you sell products from a certain category to another farmer you are going to earn a reward of 2 times the amount of product you are buying from that category, for example: a) Say you have a Purchase Offer for 2000 tomatoes, and then when you sell crops to another farmer you are going to earn an extra reward of 2 x 2000 = 4000 tomatoes b) Say you have a Purchase Offer for 4 squids, and then when you sell salmon to another farmer you are going to earn an extra reward of 2 x 4 = 8 squids. Notice that sometimes the products you are selling are in high demand, like the salmon, however when you sell it, you are going to get twice the amount of squid that you are buying, which is also in high demand. 7. Traditional Japanese Restaurant (FC): Produces Traditional Japanese Food. Octopus Balls Okonomiyaki Yakitori Ramen Soba Noodles Grilled Eel Japanese Hot Pot Matcha Ice Cream All these products can be stocked in the Taste of Japan service facility. New products from other facilities: Dried Seaweed in the Semi-Trailer Truck, Matcha Powder in the Tea Factory, Dried Bonito Flakes in the Drying Facility and Buckwheat Noodles in the Pasta Factory. 8. Dominican Restaurant (Coins): Produces Dominican Food. Fried Plantains Three Hits Mangu Pica Chicken Fried Fish La Bandera Pork Locrio Braised Goat Sweet Beans Cream New products from other facilities: Sofrito in the Sauce and Condiments Factory. 9. Wedding Supplies Factory (FC): Produces Wedding Supplies. Cake Serving Set Cake Topper Wedding Napkins Candle Holder Wedding Centerpiece Wedding Arch Ring Pillow Bridal Bouquet All these products can be stocked in the Bridal Shop service facility. 10. Taste of Dominican Republic (Coins): Provides Dominican Republic Cultural Exchange and Food Tasting Services and can be stocked with products from the Dominican Restaurant. Enjoy! --Raul Post Release Updates - October 3rd, 9:00PM - Released the full documentation for the #6 Create 'Purchase Offers' for Regular Products in your Trading Warehouse feature, check post above for details - Added a notification message when opening the Trading Warehouse of a farmer that do not have offers created yet - Added red counters in the top tab buttons with the number of open offers when visiting others Trading Warehouses - Adjusted the position of the feedback summary text when working neighbour facilities - 14 Halloween decors: 4 as Gifts, 7 at the top of the Halloween category in the Store and 3 at the bottom Post Release Updates - October 9th, 7:30PM - The brown dot in the Neighbours Bar and the brown marking on avatar labels in the marketplaces are now aware of the availability of Regular Products Purchase Offers - Small adjustments to the layout of the offers to make it more clear when you sold and when you bought products - Added 'Rules' and 'Benefits' buttons to the Trading Warehouse screen with explanations of all the rules and benefits - BugFix: The earned rewards when selling animal products is now based on the trading limit of the animal product you are buying, not the animal product you are selling - BugFix: When filling your service facilities, sometimes a text was shown with how much coins were deducted Post Release Updates - October 17th, 2:08PM - The brown dots in the Neighbours Bar and the brown marking on avatar labels in the marketplaces are now much more accurately reflecting the current status of offers available to you from those farmers. Known Issues: - None Last edited by Raul; Oct 17 2019 at 02:32 PM. |
Thank you Raul and team
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Thanks Raul!
Taz Dubh Glais Estates Please come visit me on my farms (underlined link above) and if you see me say hi! I do ask that you not send me in-game messages for any problems other than forum login issues, as I can only help with those from my farm. Post your problem or question here in the forums and we will gladly help you to solve it as quickly as we can. |
Thanks a lot Raul!
Thanks very much Raul and Team
Tiger Clickable Help Links:
Need help? Post in Help and Support How to get and Create your Farm Link How to FIND YOUR POSTS on the forum. |
Dominican Restaurant Taste of DR Wedding Supply FC Trad. Japanese Restaurant FC
http://apps.slashkey.com/farmtown/pl..._id=1830027057 playing FT since 24th of June, 2009 |
Thanks so much for the new release. Eager to get some of the Dried Seaweed.
Thank you and the developers for keeping this beloved game interesting !!!
FT addicted since June 22, 2009 ![]() |
Thanks for the release!
Level 1475 https://apps.slashkey.com/farmtown/p...1648&farm_ix=0 Visit 's Farm ![]() DB:W20, MPS:C20 |
Thanks for the new release!!
https://apps.slashkey.com/farmtown/p...2065&farm_ix=0 https://apps.slashkey.com/farmtown/p...2065&farm_ix=1 https://apps.slashkey.com/farmtown/p...065&farm_ix=12 |
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