See Known Issues, More Information and Post Release Updates at the end of this post. Last update released on December 27th, 1:35AM.
Hi There, We just released a new update with the following features: En Español AQUI 1. 20 Holiday Decorations: 2 as gifts, 14 at the top of the Holiday category at the store and 4 at the bottom. 2. Next 8 Farm Expansions for Farm 49: See prices below: Upgrade 28 x 28: 83 Billion Coins or 30 Farm Cash Upgrade 30 x 30: 84 Billion Coins or 30 Farm Cash Upgrade 32 x 32: 85 Billion Coins or 40 Farm Cash Upgrade 34 x 34: 86 Billion Coins or 40 Farm Cash Upgrade 36 x 36: 87 Billion Coins or 40 Farm Cash Upgrade 38 x 38: 88 Billion Coins or 40 Farm Cash Upgrade 40 x 40: 89 Billion Coins or 40 Farm Cash Upgrade 42 x 42: 90 Billion Coins or 50 Farm Cash 3. All 4 Crop Ex 13 x 13 tools: These tools allows you to work on 2,704 crop fields at once. . - Harvester Ex (13 x 13) - Seeder Ex (13 x 13) - Combine Harvest-Plow Ex 13x13 - Combine Harvest-Plant Ex 13x13 4. Highlighting avatar label and communication messages between employers and employees: a) While on a farm, show avatar label from employer in pink and from employees in red b) Show messages from employer in pink and from employees in red, in chat and in offline messages c) Add clarifying text in angle brackets <<employer>> OR <<employee>> next to the player name in chat and offline messages d) If employee receive a chat message from employer, show a pink fading text 'Chat message received from employer.' e) If employer receive a chat message from employee, show a red fading text 'Chat message received from employee.' 5. New Peppermint crop (released last week): To be used in the Camel Goods Factory. 6. Harvest the camels in your stables to get Camel Milk (released last week): This is also to be used in the Camel Goods Factory. 7. Camel Goods Factory (FC): Produces Camel Goods. Camel Milk Powder Camel Milk Chocolate Camel Milk Coffee Camel Milk Cheese Camel Milk Capsules Camel Milk Soap Camel Milk Lip Balm Camel Milk Face Mask New products from other Facilities: Peppermint Essential Oil and Chamomile Essential Oil in the Essential Oils Plant. Cucumber Extract in the Food Flavoring Factory. Date Syrup in the Syrup Factory. 8. Arab World (FC): Provides Camel Goods Retail Services and can be stocked with products from the Camel Goods Factory. 9. Farm Machinery Supplies (Coins): Produces Farm Machinery Supplies. Tractor Rubber Track Tractor Track Roller Harvester Finger Harvester Blade Plower Share Plow Plower Disc Plow Seed Planter Sprayer Tank 10. Agricultural Service Center (Coins): Provides Farm Machinery Repair Services and can be stocked with products from the Farm Machinery Supplies. 11. Farm Pass updates: After considering the different alternatives to expand the current Farm Pass feature we have decided to just release another 'Farm Pass 2' contest that will start the 15th of each month and will last up to the 15th of the next month. It will work the same way as the current Farm Pass, however some of the goals and rewards may be different, for example, one privilege reward will be the capability to revive crops that have gone to waste in some of your farms. This Farm Pass 2 contest should start next month. Enjoy! --Raul Post Release Updates - December 13th, 5:50PM - The 2 new coin facilities, Farm Machinery Supplies and Agricultural Service Center will be released next week. Post Release Updates - December 17th, 1:20AM - In the 'Show Names' screen, the envelope icon to easily contact your employees or visitors is now always visible. - in the 'Show Names->Show User info' screen the "User Idle, Connected" status which was represented by an empty circle is now split in 2, an orange circle meaning "Employee Idle, Connected" and a gray circle meaning "Non-Employee, Connected". - When you click the message envelope in the 'Show Names' screen, the screen that shows all your employees and visitors now have 3 filters at the top: a) Employees working or connected: These are the employees that are in your farms at the moment b) Employees done working: These are the employees that left your farms already or are in your farms but are idle and disconnected c) Non-Employees: These are visitors that are connected to your farms but are not your employees Post Release Updates - December 18th, 5:30PM - Released the Farm Machinery Supplies and Agricultural Service Center facilities. - Added link to the "Clear Memcache" functionality at the bottom of the game, right next to the Support link. Post Release Updates - December 27th, 1:35AM - Show alerts when receiving offline messages from employers or employees: a) If employee receive an offline message from employer, the envelope icon at the top will turn pink and a pink fading text 'Message received from employer.' will show up. b) If employer receive an offline message from employee, the envelope icon at the top will turn red and a red fading text 'Message received from employee.' will show up. - Bugfix: Semi-Trailer Truck products not showing up in the Global Ingredient Planner when 'Facility Products' category is selected Known Issues: - None. Last edited by Raul; Dec 27 2024 at 01:01 AM. |
Thanks very much Raul and all the dev team
Tiger Clickable Help Links:
Need help? Post in Help and Support How to get and Create your Farm Link How to FIND YOUR POSTS on the forum. |
Thank you Raul and team
Need to know about things in Farm Town? Please check out the Game Guide
How to manually link your Farm to the forum Contact Support |
Thanks Raul and team!
Taz Dubh Glais Estates Please come visit me on my farms (underlined link above) and if you see me say hi! I do ask that you not send me in-game messages for any problems other than forum login issues, as I can only help with those from my farm. Post your problem or question here in the forums and we will gladly help you to solve it as quickly as we can. |
Thanks Raul and all the dev team.
https://apps.slashkey.com/farmtown/p...875&farm_ix=35 |
Thanks Raul and team. Nice excitment for me.
Love the new 13x13EX tools!
https://apps.slashkey.com/farmtown/p...875&farm_ix=35 |
Thank you so much Raul and team
thanks to all at Slashkey
so it goes, Denise https://apps.slashkey.com/farmtown/p..._id=1450953003 clear memcache https://apps.slashkey.com/farmtown/p...lear_memcached |
Thank you, thank you! it's an early Christmas present :-)
https://apps.slashkey.com/farmtown/p...2065&farm_ix=0 https://apps.slashkey.com/farmtown/p...2065&farm_ix=1 https://apps.slashkey.com/farmtown/p...065&farm_ix=12 |
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