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Old Oct 30 2022, 07:14 PM
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Linda Nz Linda Nz is offline
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Default Facility Manager

Need help please. I have written a ticket to support with a problem and never got a response to it so I am hoping I can get the help here.

In my Facility Manager I uncheck the boxes for certain Facilities and when I reopen the game and go back into the Facility Manager the very ones I unchecked have now got check-marks in the boxes. Can you please help me with this matter thanks ever so much.
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Old Oct 30 2022, 07:29 PM
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Originally Posted by Linda Nz View Post
Need help please. I have written a ticket to support with a problem and never got a response to it so I am hoping I can get the help here.

In my Facility Manager I uncheck the boxes for certain Facilities and when I reopen the game and go back into the Facility Manager the very ones I unchecked have now got check-marks in the boxes. Can you please help me with this matter thanks ever so much.
Hi Linda,
I moved your post to the thread about the facility manager.

As in most things in the game, there is a limit on how many things you can do. It is apparent that you may have exceeded the amount oif things you can have unchecked in your facilities. If you have facilities unchecked then it can be as few as 8 items or more that are unchecked. If you have a lot of them unchecked then you may have reached your limit on how many products can be unchecked. When you get to that limit then anything you uncheck further will revert back to checked.
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Old Oct 30 2022, 08:40 PM
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Linda Nz Linda Nz is offline
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Thank you Taz, and for the response
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Old Nov 01 2022, 01:07 PM
CrazyJan CrazyJan is offline
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Smile Super facility

My super facility won't load for me..I updated it yesterday and it won't load up..I tried this morning with no luck...can you please help me? ID 1776078517 Thank you for any help you can give me
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Old Nov 01 2022, 01:18 PM
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Originally Posted by CrazyJan View Post
My super facility won't load for me..I updated it yesterday and it won't load up..I tried this morning with no luck...can you please help me? ID 1776078517 Thank you for any help you can give me
Hi Crazy Jan,
I moved your post to the thread about facilities. You have the Semi-trailer truck for your super facility this week. Check what percentage Utilization shows when you look at those in the facility manager. If it is 100% or higher then you can't fill them until the amount for the utilization drops below 100%.
The extra utilization above 100% would be from the Farm Pass reward to get 10% extra for some facilities.
Dubh Glais Estates
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Old Nov 01 2022, 05:01 PM
mex1581 mex1581 is offline
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Default facilities not working

I know of a couple of people that are having problems loading our facilities and it is making it hard to do farm pass quests
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Old Nov 01 2022, 05:08 PM
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Originally Posted by mex1581 View Post
I know of a couple of people that are having problems loading our facilities and it is making it hard to do farm pass quests
Hi Mex,
I moved your post to the thread about facilities.
Are you talking about filling their facilities or loading your farms to work your facilities?

If it is trying to work your facilities what happens when they try?

It would be better if they were the ones to post here about this so we could work with them directly.
Dubh Glais Estates
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Old Nov 02 2022, 10:36 AM
Tom C Tom C is offline
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I went over to trouble shooting to post this but can't post there. Since farm pass came out I have been working facilities instead of just posting them. Sometimes when I click go to lets say David's farm to work his factories I will end up on Mary's farm and it will say we are not friends so I can't work them. This only happens on the wall request. I have been told this is do to either one person having more than one account or husband and wife both having farms and using same computers and the same browser. Are the developers aware of this problem, seems to be getting worse.

Farming since April 26 2009
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Old Nov 02 2022, 10:48 AM
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Originally Posted by Tom C View Post
I went over to trouble shooting to post this but can't post there. Since farm pass came out I have been working facilities instead of just posting them. Sometimes when I click go to lets say David's farm to work his factories I will end up on Mary's farm and it will say we are not friends so I can't work them. This only happens on the wall request. I have been told this is do to either one person having more than one account or husband and wife both having farms and using same computers and the same browser. Are the developers aware of this problem, seems to be getting worse.
Hi Tom C,
I moved your post to the Help & Support thread about facilities as this has nothing to do with the Farm Pass or the current release.
This happens as you said if someone is using multiple accounts on the same computer and using the switch user function in Facebook. The problem is the new account information is not passed to the game when they switch. There isn't anything the developers can do to fix this as it is a Facebook problem of not sending the new information to the game, so you get posts that appear to be from a neighbor or friend when it actually is a post from someone you are not associated with thus they can't be worked.
The only solutions that seems to work is for the poster to log out of the one account, close the browser, reopen and log in with the second account or to use a different browser for each account.
Dubh Glais Estates
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Post your problem or question here in the forums and we will gladly help you to solve it as quickly as we can.
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Old Nov 03 2022, 01:47 PM
BigJohnK67 BigJohnK67 is offline
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Default Transferred Chicken Coop

Transferred Chicken Coop to Storage, after removing all animals to storage.

Tried to buy a super Chicken Coop, my Farm 29, and it shows chicken coop still there when it isn't there anymore.

2. Second problem...One of my quests won't allow me to open the final picture for two days, it won't highlight.
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