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Old Sep 06 2021, 08:17 AM
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Originally Posted by Enigma Cross View Post
I'm not sure where to post this.
I find often recently that when I am working a neighbours facilities (both at the same time, this has always worked before and recently) one set of facilities will get worked just fine, but the other set just comes up with the message "oops, the mayor has already helped you with those facilities". When I know for sure that it is more than a day since I worked them. Additionally the offending facilities seem to take 10x longer to complete for some reason.

Hi Enigma Cross

It doesnt matter that you worked those friends facilities 1 day ago, what it is taken into account is when you worked the last facilities before trying to work new ones.

To be able to rework friends facilities, you cant work any for 8 hours. If you continue working facs without waiting 8 hours or you enter to work again 1 second before the 8 hours then you will receive the oops message.
You can open both, facilities and services at the same time to work them, but there is always a difference of second or more between them.

Please, before starting to work friends facilities, open your own farm and click in the yellow tool box. Then click in Show times icon, the clock, and in Gamewide button.

If you have a green check mark for both, Rework Facilities and Rework Service facilities options, then you can start working without problems.

But if you see a time instead of the green check mark, then you will have to wait that time if you wish to rework facilities.

Everytime you work new facilities, the times in those options reset to 8 hours.
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Old Sep 06 2021, 03:32 PM
Enigma Cross Enigma Cross is offline
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Originally Posted by marymarcel View Post
Hi Enigma Cross

It doesnt matter that you worked those friends facilities 1 day ago, what it is taken into account is when you worked the last facilities before trying to work new ones.

To be able to rework friends facilities, you cant work any for 8 hours. If you continue working facs without waiting 8 hours or you enter to work again 1 second before the 8 hours then you will receive the oops message.
You can open both, facilities and services at the same time to work them, but there is always a difference of second or more between them.

Please, before starting to work friends facilities, open your own farm and click in the yellow tool box. Then click in Show times icon, the clock, and in Gamewide button.

If you have a green check mark for both, Rework Facilities and Rework Service facilities options, then you can start working without problems.

But if you see a time instead of the green check mark, then you will have to wait that time if you wish to rework facilities.

Everytime you work new facilities, the times in those options reset to 8 hours.
OK, I did not realise this. Thanks for taking the time to explain. I'll watch for this now.
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Old Sep 10 2021, 06:28 PM
chubbyal chubbyal is offline
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Hi Mary

Sorry for hi jacking this post, I am trying to send a neighbour eggs and milk but I don't see the option, has this stopped and I also reported a problem. Can you please tell me where I look to get the reply.

Thanks so much

Kind Regards

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Old Sep 10 2021, 06:32 PM
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marymarcel marymarcel is offline
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Originally Posted by chubbyal View Post
Hi Mary

Sorry for hi jacking this post, I am trying to send a neighbour eggs and milk but I don't see the option, has this stopped and I also reported a problem. Can you please tell me where I look to get the reply.

Thanks so much

Kind Regards

Hi Alan

How are you trying to send these products to your neighbor?

You can send them as gifts from the Send Gifts tab, but you can only send one of the items at a time.
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Old Sep 11 2021, 09:07 AM
fatherdan fatherdan is offline
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maybe this isn't the right place for it, but it's a start...

i have a 'custom list' that i share invitations to work in my facilities to, along with everything else related to the game, but i have a facility-related question:

can ANYONE on Facebook work in someone's facilities - assuming that the person is a 'farmer' - or is that specifically reserved for 'Facebook friends' only? i know that non-friends can send gifts and bonuses, but i've never been able to work in facilities unless the person 'posting' them is on my 'friend list' somehow.
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Old Sep 11 2021, 09:12 AM
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Originally Posted by fatherdan View Post
maybe this isn't the right place for it, but it's a start...

i have a 'custom list' that i share invitations to work in my facilities to, along with everything else related to the game, but i have a facility-related question:

can ANYONE on Facebook work in someone's facilities - assuming that the person is a 'farmer' - or is that specifically reserved for 'Facebook friends' only? i know that non-friends can send gifts and bonuses, but i've never been able to work in facilities unless the person 'posting' them is on my 'friend list' somehow.
Hi fatherdan

If you post a bonus or a request for ingredients anyone can send it to you. For example if you are on a facebook group and you post them there, then any member can click in your bonus or ingredient request no matter they are your friends in Facebook.

For working your facilities, they have to be your friends in Facebook, it doesnt matter if they are not your neighbors, but you both have to be friends in Facebook.
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Old Sep 12 2021, 04:32 PM
snellba@yahoo.com snellba@yahoo.com is offline
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Default missing xp

when doing my facilities I am being shorted xp
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Old Sep 12 2021, 04:49 PM
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Originally Posted by snellba@yahoo.com View Post
when doing my facilities I am being shorted xp
Hi snellba

I moved your post to the thread about Facilities.

When you start products in facilities, the XP amount you see in the notification is what you would have got for all of the batches had all your ingredients been used for them all, BUT what happens next is that you get free bonus batches for filling them. The ingredients for those bonus batches are returned to you by the mayor so then the game deducts the XP for those bonus batches which is why you end up with less XP than you initially saw.

The XP amount it deducts doesn't show in the game. The amount deducted can vary as not every product earns the same amount of XP for starting a single batch and the chances you have of earning bonus batches depends on the belt/dan earned for a particular product.
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Old Sep 14 2021, 12:06 AM
Elli Jane Elli Jane is offline
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Ingredient Request Error/Bug

My user ID is 759138850

I am able to post ingredient requests from my facilities, they show on my wall and my neighbours are able to click on them. However, there are errors. Sometimes they don't get the ingredients that go with that particular request and get random ingredients for something else and sometimes they get the correct ingredients.

My problem is that most of the time I'm not receiving any ingredients when my friends click the links. This has happened when posting requests from my Snack Factory (for nachos) and also from my Sandwich Shop (for Italian sandwich). The only request that has worked properly and I received the ingredients, was for Potato Chips from my Snack Factory, and even then I had to wait about 15 minutes and log out then back in to the game several times.

After searching the forum, nobody else seems to be having this issue. Any ideas?
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Old Sep 14 2021, 05:28 AM
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Originally Posted by Elli Jane View Post
Ingredient Request Error/Bug

My user ID is 759138850

I am able to post ingredient requests from my facilities, they show on my wall and my neighbours are able to click on them. However, there are errors. Sometimes they don't get the ingredients that go with that particular request and get random ingredients for something else and sometimes they get the correct ingredients.

My problem is that most of the time I'm not receiving any ingredients when my friends click the links. This has happened when posting requests from my Snack Factory (for nachos) and also from my Sandwich Shop (for Italian sandwich). The only request that has worked properly and I received the ingredients, was for Potato Chips from my Snack Factory, and even then I had to wait about 15 minutes and log out then back in to the game several times.

After searching the forum, nobody else seems to be having this issue. Any ideas?
Hi Elli Jane,

Thank you for you ID. I have moved your post to the thread about Facilities as you are requesting ingredients from them.

I'm not sure how your friends know that they are getting the wrong ingredients as their share would go to their storage not to their gift box so I have a few questions for you:
  1. Where are they sending you ingredients from? Is this your Facebook post when it shows up on your profile or in their news feed or are they sending them when they see them in Other Wall Requests?

  2. What are they seeing when they send you an ingredient for Italian Sandwich, does the message say the ingredients sent are for something else other than Italian Sandwich?

Any ingredients that are sent to you, you would need to reload the game for them to show up in your gift box.

Please check that when you are selling from your Harvests & Products storage and use the option to sell non ingredients for me and sell selected that none of the selected ingredients are ones you have been requesting, so that you can be sure that they are not being sold by mistake.

Please check the following before you try this again and do any that you have not already done:
  • If you have access to any other accounts perhaps to help someone out, please make sure that you have logged out all of the other ones before you try this again, especially if you have ever used the Facebook switch user to switch between accounts without logging out of them. That can cause strange issues with requests showing up as from you but are actually for another account which might explain the reason your friends may getting or seeing the wrong ingredients sent. This issue occurred due to a Facebook change. If you don't have access to another account you can ignore this one.

  • Try clearing your FT memcache. To run memcache Click Here. A window will open with a list of "unsetting", which is the memcache being cleared. Close that window and FT if you have it open in another browser window. Then please try the Italian sandwich request if you still need them and see if that has helped clear the problem.

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