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Old Aug 27 2011, 08:10 AM
farmer fitchy farmer fitchy is offline
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this drives me CRAZY, i bnought the second boat, and still it takes forever to fish. The second boat should catch 50-100 fish every click.

and i can never get people to work, i say COASTS AND LAKES with bait..... and 30 people say nothing.

needs to be faster and easier. and i HATE fishing rivers, esp stacked ones
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Old Aug 27 2011, 09:11 AM
snow_angel snow_angel is offline
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I've got the green boat and it takes me only seconds to catch all the fish. I have only the big lakes, big lake with boat and the sea coasts no rivers. I just click along the coast line and along the edge of the lakes. By the time I get to the end I've caught all my fish. If I'm in the market place if hired to fish I'll do it, with the boat the fishing gets done fast. But yeah if it's stacked rivers forget it, it does help if you have the boat but it is so time consuming
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Old Aug 27 2011, 11:18 AM
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Originally Posted by farmer fitchy View Post
this drives me CRAZY, i bnought the second boat, and still it takes forever to fish. The second boat should catch 50-100 fish every click.

and i can never get people to work, i say COASTS AND LAKES with bait..... and 30 people say nothing.

needs to be faster and easier. and i HATE fishing rivers, esp stacked ones
The second boat only catches up to 25 - 5- not 50 - 100. Note I said up to and not always. It depends really on how you space your clicks and how many fish are in that area.
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Old Aug 27 2011, 02:54 PM
sueripper@gmail.com sueripper@gmail.com is offline
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Default Hiring people to fish

Yes, I am in the appropriate MP and state in my request what I have to fish - 2 lg seacoasts and lake w/boat and have bait - with the usual response of nothing - time of day means nothing either. I never have them fish my river unless someone wants to do it. Still feel there needs to be a larger reward for fishing.
Originally Posted by GrannyMo View Post
Do you tell the MP first what you have water-wise, or just hire to fish and keep getting the "no thanks"? People will turn down hire requests for fishing simply because they don't want to end up on a farm with miles of river pieces (especially stacked ones) that are a pain to fish and not worth the effort. I've had good success by just saying up front "who wants to fish 11 seacoasts and 3 lakes?" and hiring whoever says they'd like to do it.

Time of day seems to be a factor as well. Mornings (US) seem to be big for harvest/plow jobs for crops and that's what most would prefer to do, so it's harder to find willing fisherfolk then.

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Old Aug 27 2011, 03:45 PM
Ms Helpful Ms Helpful is offline
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i love fishing so if you see me in the market please hire me

the thing i think is really good when you have water to be fished is always have bait, makes it quicker and rewards you more for the hardwork involved
Don't need a life ... I have farmtown!!!
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Old Aug 27 2011, 04:15 PM
snow_angel snow_angel is offline
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Originally Posted by Ms Helpful View Post
i love fishing so if you see me in the market please hire me

the thing i think is really good when you have water to be fished is always have bait, makes it quicker and rewards you more for the hardwork involved
So true. Sometimes I'll even ask if they have bait. I used to hate fishing but since I got the boat don't mind at all now
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Old Aug 28 2011, 05:57 AM
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I have a boat too, if you see me, I'm "Rox (have both fertilizers)" or something similar to that. I will fish for you too, or you can even add me as a neighbor.

Visit my main farms,The Farms at ShortBerry!
Also check out Coal Patch Woods, my mom's farms, of which I am general manager. (It features farming on a budget...NO purchased Farm Cash with this farm!)
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Old Aug 28 2011, 10:15 AM
jcassemjr jcassemjr is offline
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I love to fish my farms as well. I have spread my fishable water features on 4 different farms, and they are all very easy to fish. I get the small costs emptied in 8 or 9 clicks and the large coast in 24-28 clicks. I have several rivers - 2 clicks for each river segment, several corners - 1 click, small lakes - 3 clicks, big lakes vary but generally under 20 clicks. I hide everything hideable before going to the farms with the water features, so that they aren't showing over the edges - which is where I generally find the fish.

I will fish on request in the MP, and generally love doing it, since they generally hire me for more work once I am there - it might be their way of filtering out the beggars in the MP.

I have only been hired a couple of times on the super layered water farms where there are a ton over lapped fishable items. I did about 3-5 minutes of fishing for the farmer, and then left a message saying that "I fished for the 3-5 minutes, but all of the over lapping items made it difficult to do a good job." That way they may understand that their decorative choice made the work more difficult on the people they are trying to hire.

I think that if you have made a water farm for decorative purposes, it is unreasonable to expect someone will fish all of the features, especially when the farmer hiring you doesn't have the bait, and they have them overlapped so much that you cannot get a good yield per click.

But we all get to play the game the way we want, and we all live our farming lives by that choice.

You may want to hire people to work other items, and then once they get to the farm you want to have fished, ask then, that way they see what is available to fish. I know that I have accepted to fish 3 small ponds after getting a couple of hundred plots to harvest and plow. If I had been hired to fish only the 3 small ponds, I would have been very disappointed, but would have done it, so I could help the player.
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Old Aug 28 2011, 10:30 AM
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Default tools

I now have all the tools so can see it from both sides I only got them because I got fed up being hired alongside a tool owner and getting next to nothing from the hire. Dont get me wrong now I have paid real money for them I do the same as I want value for getting them. But I have gone into the mp when I have time to spare to hire a newbie without tools so as to help them, the problem is if you ask for a newbie I have ended up with a combie so a way of knowing what tools anyone has would be very helpful and a lot of ill feeling could be avioded.So far the developers have done what I consider to be brilliant job and thanks must go to them for a great game. And I still think a fire button would be great as that would make it more life like lets be honest you do a bad job in real life you get fired.All they need do is link it to the ignore button so it becomes both fire and ignore.
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Old Aug 28 2011, 12:01 PM
tgray tgray is offline
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Originally Posted by sueripper@gmail.com View Post
I have found it impossible to hire people to fish and I am just asking them to fish 2 big sea coasts and lake w/ boat. There needs to be a higher reward for people to want to fish. I am tired of begging for people to fish so I just do it myself.
My problem is when I get a fishing job all I end up with most of the time is rivers and small seacoasts. I rarely get lakes or big seacoasts.
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