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Old Dec 22 2009, 06:52 PM
PeachesFarm1 PeachesFarm1 is offline
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this is not fun anymore...it has slowed everything down..especially with the animated ads taking so much time and the avatar cannot move...at least before you could click on fields..than catch up when the ad was finished loading..

I read the reply...i rarely go to market to get hired..or hire from there..we have a group that tends each others farms...

I do understand...but I don't like it
Old Dec 22 2009, 06:52 PM
lfbrockm lfbrockm is offline
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Default the new release is a mistake

I too, along with everyone else probably, have lost xp's and coin for who knows why but I'd rather continue to lose them than to play the way it currently is working for harvesting and plowing. Now it's just annoying to do those activities. I have never used Farmville but I guess I'll be giving it a try.
I know you work hard at this and it's a matter of trade-offs I don't think this is the right one.
Old Dec 22 2009, 06:53 PM
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LunaAbigail LunaAbigail is offline
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well i think my Avatar did not get the MEMO or the Teleporting Shoes as it is NOT teleporting just walking....very slowly like its 100 years old.

i mean im glad i JUST made level 44 but i think i stick either to my own Farm only for now or give FT a Rest until this is taken back....its frustrating and boring!
i did not mind losing Money or XP as you always made good on it somehow but this is stupid.
People will not have a chance to chat---as too busy following their avatar trying to earn some money and XP and People will not want to big Farms,there are still those that try to steal your part anyway!
Merry Christmas and this is one Gift you can keep!
Old Dec 22 2009, 06:55 PM
alisha1278 alisha1278 is offline
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Originally Posted by Raul View Post
Hi There,

First, the Bert account was hacked recently and there were some posts made on his behalf, we are researching this issue now.

Second, we just released a new version of FarmTown a while ago. As stated before, we were going to focus mainly on the lost XP/Coins issues which are critical at this point. However, in order to minimize the lost XP/Coins issues, we had to make some changes to the way harvesting/plowing works when you are hired.

Before, when multiple people were hired on a farm, everybody starts clicking randomly on every field, and there are a lot of collisions, people harvesting/plowing on the same fields, as you don't see clearly where other people are working.

The new way is this, if you harvest fields that are close to where your avatar is, then your avatar will be teletransported and will be a very quick transition, it should be as quick or comparable to what it was before, however if you click on a field that is farther away, then you will have to wait until your avatar gets to that field to continue working.

This change will make that on some instances you work slower, on the other hand people get more dispersed while working on a farm, you can actually see them where they are working, and there will be much less collisions between them. This will also add another component to the game, now it's not just blindly clicking on the fields, you have to also consider the position of other players and your chances to avoid collisions and to get more work done. Now, when you click on a field that another player did before you, then you will see a message saying "already done", before, there was no feedback at all.

Of course, we know this release will cause a lot of complains as well, because in order to improve one area we had to change the behaivor on another area which some users will not like it, but compared to the issue of frequent losing more XP and coins, we just decided this was the way to go.

So far we have detected that there are 70% less issues with lost XP/coins that before, and it should improve with time even more.

As a separate note, the cursors on the game have been made larger and they don't get overlapped by other items on the game.


you have got to change it back. everyone is complaining. this is the worse you could of done to this game. guess alot of people will be leaving and going to facebook to play .so please change the plow and harvesting back.

thank you
Old Dec 22 2009, 06:57 PM
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Originally Posted by Lance Seastrand View Post
I really hate this upgrade, I would rather lose coins and xp points than have it this way. I appreciate the fact that you are trying to fix the problems, but if it stays like this I am done playing Farm Town.
And what about those who would rather have their xps and coins? Oh I guess it's all about the individual isn't it?

Originally Posted by courtneycjr View Post
why did u guys change it back to the old way so much slower i have a 3 yearold sister to be with now its going to take forever to do work at least i hope u didn't change the plowing eaither if pple where smart they hire one person to do the job or hire 2 good friends who share the stuff this is messed up

i know u did it on the coins and stuff but i never seen anything on it at all i just don't think this is a new release becuase u basicly made it the old way like it use to be its not new i play all the time on myspace
You have a grand total of three posts. Are you telling me you have read EVERY single post to come to the conclusion that you "haven't seen anything about this at all" in regards to the lost xps and coins?

Old Dec 22 2009, 06:57 PM
tree101457 tree101457 is offline
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Thumbs down I hate the fix

I HATE IT!!! I work mostly with nieghbors only once in awhile hiring out of the market. When I had a nieghbor plowing it took FOREVER and she had to get off before finishing. Instead of going to the market I did it myself!!!! I will no konger hire out of the market and plant long crops till you decide if this is permenant, if so I will QUIT farm town.
I can understand those losing money and xp to others liking that it is "fixed" but as much as I lost I prefer the old way. I have 2 farms with level 60 on both even losing the xp when plowing.
This just plain sucks!
Old Dec 22 2009, 06:58 PM
hurleytalk hurleytalk is offline
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Found the change when I first started to harvest for someone. Took me a minute to adjust. I like not trying to figure out what someone else is doing--you can see right where they are. Don't be so anti-change--all from probably the same people who were complaining about missing points or coins! If it's that bad, leave. It's a free game--they developers lose nothing and there's more work for the rest of us!
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Old Dec 22 2009, 06:58 PM
Skye9988 Skye9988 is offline
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Wow, Raul's post seems so upbeat. I wonder if he'd already read all of the unhappy posts in the Help section. Raul, if you read this, please try to see our point-of-view.

This new method is slow, and annoying. It takes all the fun out of the game. I don't even want to plow now. The harvesting is a pain, but if I click in rows and watch my stupid little freak of an avatar lurch along in her little plodding way, I can deal with it. I am very unhappy with it, though. I was super fast at harvesting and plowing, and now I feel like I'm being limited in my speed to even the playing field. I have always shared fairly. Even though I'm faster, I do my fair share, and then stop, letting the slower farmers get the same amount. I'd harvest, and then move on quickly to another job. I'd basically blitz my area of the field, zapping the crops so quickly that all you'd see would be the flash of my harvesting tool. Boy, is it different tonight! Where in the past, I'd be saying my "thank you" to the farmer and moving on to another job, now I'm plodding along with the slowest of the slow.....

It's like the old sci-fi story Harrison Bergeron--people who were fast had to have chains or bricks put on them so that everyone would be equal. People who were attractive had to wear masks to cover their beauty so that everyone would be equal..... you get the idea. So, here, since some people couldn't keep up with those who were faster, we all now have to be slowed down to a snail's pace.... :-(

I agree with those who say that the way to fix the problem is not to limit us all to being slow and plodding. Instead, limit the number of workers who can be hired. If there is only one worker or two in a field, the problem of overhiring is solved, and then it is just up to each farmer to work cooperatively.
Ribbons of Hope Farm

I can't get the link to my second farm to post, so to visit it, go to my main farm, and then click on the little diamond shaped icon at the top of the screen (by the envelope.) That will take you there.
Old Dec 22 2009, 06:59 PM
Mzw00dy Mzw00dy is offline
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I will have to quit then...I understand...I didn't mind the XP thing...but two hours to harevest a field is not going to work...It was fun when you could fit it into a few breaks but this is not at all fun now. Thanks for the nice time, but this was a great game and one I could enjoy. The teleport does not work at all. I had to go back three or four times per fielld to try again. Oh well it was fun while it lasted.
Old Dec 22 2009, 06:59 PM
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This is a very sloppy fix IMO, and is causing more problems than it solves. It's like putting a band-aid on a severed hand and calling it "fixed".

I've lost a lot of coins and XP from the original problem, but was always able to quickly earn them back without a lot of fuss.

Fix the root problem instead of breaking things more.
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Last edited by jersey_emt; Dec 23 2009 at 11:59 AM.
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