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Old Aug 02 2012, 08:57 PM
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Thanks Raul Great as always (-:

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Old Aug 02 2012, 09:25 PM
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Ok, I don't want to sound ungrateful because I really am grateful about the facility help, it was just not what we have been asking for. With this we still have to go to every farm (and some people think they have to put at least one on every farm) to work the facilities. This is what is so time consuming and what people complain about. I still do appreciate the help any is a whole lot better than none.
Ok so now a question about the new facility help, if we accidentally double click the X and skip one will the Mayor pick that one up for us?
Next question and I am not sure if this was covered in the original thread but can we have more than one of the same type car on the same train? With the new beach facility the need for Canvas is going way up and with the one Car I am barely keeping up with my current demand, so I am not buying unless I can get second train car to carry me canvas.
Oh and are we any closer to getting the Train Boost, I noticed my still says Coming Soon. Yeah I know only the Devs know for sure.
I do like the the new products in in our existing facilities and the semi sure wish we could up the amount of Chicken we we get from then and not sure if is going to be enough to keep up with the lamb. Just have to wait and see.
Sorry for all my ramblings had a lot on my mine both positive and negative

thanks Devs
Old Aug 02 2012, 09:38 PM
Grammy 11 Grammy 11 is offline
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Originally Posted by Tiger Laybourne View Post
Hi there,

If you want all the cars to be dispatched at the same time then yes they do need to be all connected. That doesn't stop you buying the rest of them now if you want, you just cant connect to dispatch them till the train has returned from it's current trip.

The train doesn't have to be on tracks but if you want them to be then yes one long track will have to do.

There's no mention of exactly when the trains will be helping with the facilities , so you've got time to wait if you want.
Well, you didn't answer my question but I guess I asked essentially the same thing, way before the other post. I have put my new freight car behind the others, even though they are traveling (although have not gone transparent). I assume I'll be able to attach this new car when the others return. Correct?
Old Aug 02 2012, 09:44 PM
casunderman casunderman is offline
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Thanks so much for the people!! Love them.....glad to see the farm implements off the gift list!! FT is a great game--and the best! The only one I play...
Old Aug 02 2012, 10:11 PM
jedrapeau jedrapeau is offline
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I have my train all in a straight line, including the three new cars released today. However, I won't have room for any more. How can I add more cars in the future? Can I start a new train on a different farm?

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Old Aug 02 2012, 10:14 PM
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It's nice to see some help with the facilities at last, but it's not quite what was needed. For example, I have a neighbour with workable facilities on 14 farms. One farm has 30 facilities but most have only a few. If a farm has less than 4 facilities, the Mayor does not pop up - and we still have to load each and every farm we work, which for some farms takes a long time. I also got several time-outs loading facilities, which hasn't happened to me for a while. The "Retry" button when a facility fails to load is still useless. To continue the daisy chain without missing some facilities we still need to make buildings visible then go find the one that failed to load and click on it. Shouldn't "retry" mean try to load the facility again?

Attaching any additional help to the diversity of a despatched freight train (and whose train is meant - mine as the worker or his as the employer) is a bizarre arrangement that is obviously intended to make those expensive white elephants more attractive, but doesn't. I haven't bothered buying a train yet and unless the additional worker help they offer is really extraordinary I won't be hurrying to do so.

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Old Aug 02 2012, 10:58 PM
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Originally Posted by Grammy Snowbird View Post
Well, you didn't answer my question but I guess I asked essentially the same thing, way before the other post. I have put my new freight car behind the others, even though they are traveling (although have not gone transparent). I assume I'll be able to attach this new car when the others return. Correct?
Yes, your train will have to return before the new cars are add for the next trip. They can be there and will show as transparent but will not collect anything until the next trip.
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Old Aug 02 2012, 11:04 PM
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Originally Posted by jedrapeau View Post
I have my train all in a straight line, including the three new cars released today. However, I won't have room for any more. How can I add more cars in the future? Can I start a new train on a different farm?
Only 1 train can be dispatch currently so I would say it wouldn't do any good to build a second train at this time. Raul did say that needing them to be straight requirement may be removed later.
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Old Aug 02 2012, 11:51 PM
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Originally Posted by jedrapeau View Post
I have my train all in a straight line, including the three new cars released today. However, I won't have room for any more. How can I add more cars in the future? Can I start a new train on a different farm?
Right now, you can't start another train on another farm, but that's what I'm wanting, too. I don't really want one hugely long train on any of my farms but I DO want to buy all the cars and dispatch them. I suspect they'll give us that in the future - I just hope we don't have to wait long.
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Old Aug 02 2012, 11:52 PM
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Just wanted to mention that there are two new crops for use in the Greek restaurant:

Chickpeas (3 day)
Radishes (1 day)

I didn't see it in the original post - maybe somebody else has mentioned it, I haven't read through the entire thread.

Originally Posted by ianski71@btinternet.com View Post
you make it in the windmill, strangely on farmtown it is made with Wheat, I thought it was made from maize (corn) therefore should have been produced in the watermill instead.
Yep, the windmill which is under "R" for "red" if you are looking for it alphabetically.

And I also thought couscous was corn based - but I looked it up and apparently normal couscous is wheat based. Maybe there is a corn based version for hispanic cooking that we've been expose to?
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