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Old Aug 30 2022, 02:00 PM
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Harvest Flower Goals and Watering Flowers Goals.

These Goals can be done on your own farm or another farmers farm which means you do not need to claim the bonus chest and can earn these while when hired by others to work their farms.

CLICK HERE if you need more information on Flowers.

Harvest Flowers Goals.
When there is a Specific FLOWER showing in the Goal, you need to Harvest that specific flower! Mouseover the Goal to get the Name of the Flower and the amount!

When there is a ONLY a Flower Harvester tool in the Picture it means harvest any flowers.
Any size flower harvester can be used. Using bigger tools requires Fuel.
It's the amount of flowers that count!!

Water Flower Goals. These can ONLY be competed by watering flowers with the Watering Can!!!
This is the only Goal where you must use a specific tool! DO NOT USE any of the mobile sprinklers.

The watering can is in your toolbox at the bottom of the 5th column from the right.

When there is a Specific FLOWER showing in the Goal, you need to use the Watering can and water that specific flower! Mouseover the Goal to get the Name of the Flower and the amount!

When there is a ONLY a Watering Can in the Picture it means use the Watering can to water any flowers.

It's the amount of flowers that count!!

Before watering flowers, mouseover the flowers to make sure enough drops are clear drops and not blue drops!. You need a MINIMUM of one and a half drops clear, like the example below. To be on the safe side 2 clear drops would be better, but it's up tp you what you want to try!

You can't water flowers when the drops are all blue!

The reason we recommend preferably 2 drops clear is because there can be times where you are slightly early. The drops are not an accurate timing so you can still see a green underneath the watering can making it look like they can be watered but when you try you can sometimes see notification which means it's too early to water them.

If you have been hired by a farmer and are entitled to claim a bonus chest please make sure that you claim it when you finish work on a farm. Your employer may have a Hire an Employee Goal that they need to complete themselves!!!

When a Goal Completes there is a brief animation on the Farm Pass Icon that contains the Goal you completed.
If you have a Reward to claim a Red star will also be showing up on it. Examples:

The Goal you completed in that Farm Pass will also change and have a check mark like this on it:

Last edited by Tiger; Feb 20 2025 at 01:09 PM.
Old Aug 30 2022, 02:00 PM
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These Goals can be done on your own farm or another farmers farm which means you do not need to claim the bonus chest and can earn these while when hired by others to work their farms.

CLICK HERE if you need more information on Trees

Harvest Tree Goals.
When there is a Specific Tree showing in the Goal, it must be that Tree!
Mouseover the Goal to get the Name of the Crop and the amount!

When there is a ONLY a Tree Shaker tool in the Picture it means Harvest that amount of ANY Trees.
Any Tree Shaker can be used. Bigger tools use Fuel.
It's the amount of Harvested trees that counts.

Chop Tree Goals.
When there is a Specific Tree showing in the Goal, it must be that Tree!
Mouseover the Goal to get the Name of the Crop and the amount!

When there is a ONLY an AXE tool in the Picture it means Chop that amount of ANY Chop trees.
Any Log Truck can be used. Bigger Tools use Fuel.
It's the amount of Chopped trees that counts.

If you have been hired by a farmer and are entitled to claim a bonus chest please make sure that you claim it when you finish work on a farm. Your employer may have a Hire an Employee Goal that they need to complete themselves!!!

When a Goal Completes there is a brief animation on the Farm Pass Icon that contains the Goal you completed.
If you have a Reward to claim a Red star will also be showing up on it. Examples:

The Goal you completed in that Farm Pass will also change and have a check mark like this on it:

Last edited by Tiger; Feb 20 2025 at 01:09 PM.
Old Aug 31 2022, 03:22 PM
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Animal Harvesting Goals

  • CLICK HERE if you need details on Animals, how to harvest them and more!

  • These Goals can be in BOTH Farm Pass (Yellow ticket) and Farm Pass 2 (Orange ticket).

  • They can be Daily Goals and Seasonal Goals.

  • You Harvest your OWN regular Animal Sheds or Super Sheds.

  • Specific Animals could be Hens, Geese, Turkey, Peacock, Cow, Sheep, Llama, Horse, Clydesdale, Camel, White Rabbit.

  • Farm Cash Animals will NOT be used for any Harvest Specific Animal Goals.

  • You can also get Goals for Harvesting Stables!
    All the Stables that can be harvested cost Farm Cash to buy.

When there is a Specific Animal showing in the Goal, that animal must be in the Animal shed that you harvest! You may need to harvest a lot of them for larger goals.

Mouseover the Goal to get the Name of the Specific Animal and the amount of animals to harvest!

When there are ONLY Multiple Animal Sheds in the Goal and no animal picture, it means you can harvest any type of Animal sheds.
It's the amount of Animals that counts.

When a Goal Completes there is a brief animation on the Farm Pass Icon that contains the Goal you completed.
If you have a Reward to claim a Red star will also be showing up on it. Examples:

The Goal you completed in that Farm Pass will also change and have a check mark like this on it:

Last edited by Tiger; Feb 20 2025 at 01:10 PM.
Old Sep 08 2022, 07:44 AM
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Gift Goals
There are several types of Gift Goals.

  • CLICK HERE if you need more information on using the Gift Manager.

  • These Goals can be Daily and or Seasonal Goals and can be in both Farm Passes.

    - You may need to send an amount of gifts to different farmers.
    - You may need to be sent a specific gift to accept from a number of different farmers.
    - You may need to accept a set amount of gifts from different famers.

  • Daily Goals (blue background) need to be competed that day. The following day you will get new goals regardless if they have all been completed or not.

  • Seasonal goals (green background) - in this case you can complete them over several days or longer as long as you get them done before the season ends.

Just a Gift Box and NO Blue Blue Silhouette.
  • You need to accept the amount of Gifts showing on the picture using the Pending Gifts section in your Gift Manager.
  • In this example 129 gifts, need to be accepted.
  • One Gift per farmer counts as 1.
  • It does not matter which gift you accept.
  • You can also Exchange your gifts for what you want and then Accept them.

A Blue Silhouette on the Gift box in the picture.
  • You are sending A Gift to a different number of DIFFERENT farmers.
  • One gift per farmer counts as 1.
    This example requires a gift is sent to 16 Farmers.
    If you goal is large you may need to send more gifts later when you time to send more gifts allows it.

  • You can send any gift you want using the Send Gifts Section of the Gift Manager.

  • You can also use the Other Wall Requests page to send some Gifts.

    Your farming friends may have requested some specific gifts to be sent to them, this can be due to Farm Pas Goals that they are trying to complete or just that they prefer specific gifts.

    However, IF a farmer has requested 5 gifts on the Other Wall Requests page and you send all 5 at that time, your Goal will only increment by 1 not 5.
    One gift per farmer counts as 1.

    In the example below, clicking Send Hen Eggs in Other Wall Requests will change to Gift Sent when you are able to send that farmer a gift. It will change to Already Sent if you can not send one yet or have already sent one using the gift manager.
    Pink Backgrounds on requested gifts means a gift has already been sent.

A Gift box AND a picture of a Specific Gift
  • Your farming Friends to send you the Specific Gift showing in the picture.
    In the left picture it happens to be 1 x Cow. In the right picture it is 1x Sausage Pack.

  • You only need to Accept the amount showing at the bottom of the Goal.
    One gift per farmer counts as 1 for your Goal.
    If you don't need or want it, you can accept just enough to complete the goal then sell them at market if you don't want to store them to use later or you may prefer not to do that goal if it doesn't earn you many points and you have time to complete other goals.

  • The Goal could be for any Gift you can normally see all year round in the Send Gift section of the Gift Manager.

  • You can NOT Exchange Gifts gifts that are already in your gift box for the one on the Goal, then Accept them, that will not count. It must be the original Gift sent.

  • There are different methods to request some of the specific gifts that you might need:

    If it was a Gift tree or flower that you already have on one of your farms, you can click on that tree/flower to Request it as Gift which will then show to your farming friends on the Other Wall Requests page and they can send it to you from there.

    Using the Cinnamon tree as an example:

  • If you already have a gift matching the goal in your My Gifts section of the Gift Manager you can request that gift by clicking on More on that gift. That will then show up to your farming friends in the Other Wall Requests page and they can send you it from there.

  • If you don't have a Pending Gift item in your Gift Manager that matches the Goal:
    You could exchange ONLY 1 gift for the gift that you need.
    Accept it.
    THEN go to My Gifts section and click on More on that specific gift to request it.
    That will then show up to your farming friends in the Other Wall Requests page and they can send it to you from there.

  • Using Messages:
    If you don't have a particular gifted tree or flower on one of your farms OR your level is too low to be able to exchange gift to request a gift that unlocks at a higher level, you could send am in game message to a Neighbour or Buddy to ask your friends that are a higher level to send you them.

    When they read your message, if they have not already sent you a gift, they can click on the Gift Box Icon on your message to search for and send the specific gift that you need and it will be sent to your Pending Gifts section of your Gift Manager to Accept.

    OR Neighbours and Buddies could just use the Send the Gift section of THEIR Gift Manger to find the gift and send it to you that way.

When a Goal Completes there is a brief animation on the Farm Pass Icon that contains the Goal you completed.
If you have a Reward to claim a Red star will also be showing up on it. Examples:

The Goal you completed in that Farm Pass will also change and have a check mark like this on it:

Last edited by Tiger; Feb 20 2025 at 01:10 PM.
Old Feb 14 2025, 01:36 PM
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Ingredients Packs Goals

There are 2 types of Ingredient Pack Goals.
  • These can be Daily and or Seasonal Goals and can be in both Farm Passes.
  • Daily Goals (blue background) need to be completed that day.
  • Seasonal Goals (green background) need to be completed before the end of the season.

  • When you mouseover these goals you will see the phrase Ingredient Packs.
    An Ingredient Pack is Gift of an Ingredients that has been requested and shows on the Other Wall Requests so farmers can send them to you. You do not see your own Ingredient Requests there.

  • You may need to request Ingredients yourself by opening one of your facilities and clicking on the plus sign on a product it makes to request Ingredients needed to make it.
    More information on how to use facilities CLICK HERE

  • You may need to send Ingredients to another farmer using the Other Wall Requests page.

  • ONE request sent, per farmer, in a 12 hour period, counts as 1 for your Goal.

    IF you have bought Farm Pass 2 AND earned the Privilege that will reduce that time, when you have made 5 ingredient requests your time to request Ingredients again reduces to 8 hours during that Season.

Brown gift box AND a Blue Silhouette.

YOU are sending Ingredients to other farmers using Other Wall Requests
  • This example shows a total of 3 Ingredient Packs need to be sent to farmers.
  • If you need to send several Ingredient Packs to complete your goal, you need to send them to DIFFERENT farmers.
  • One Ingredient per farmer counts as 1 for your Goal.
  • If your Goal is large you may need to wait the time out to be able to send more again.

    How to Send Ingredients to other farmers using the Other Wall Requests page:

    Any request that says Send Ingredients that does not have a pink background can be clicked on to send those ingredients to that farmer.

    Those requests for Ingredients are Ingredient Packs.

    In the example below, clicking Send Ingredients will send that Ingredient Pack to that famer.
    A Pink Background mean an Ingredient Pack has already been sent.

ONLY a Brown gift box and NO Blue Silhouette.

OTHER Farmers need to send YOU Ingredient Packs which means that YOU need to request some Ingredients!
  • This example shows a total of 2 ingredient packs needed so 2 different farmers need to send you the ingredients you requested.
  • It doesn't matter which requested ingredient a farmer sends to you.
  • ONE per farmer will count towards your goal.
    If you need several, they must be sent by DIFFERENT Farmers.

    You request Ingredient Pack exactly the same way you request Ingredients to make a product in a facility. What gets sent, is called an Ingredient Pack.

    To request an Ingredient Pack, open one of your regular facilities, not a service facility, not a non workable facility.

    Each product that facility makes has a green + sign, click on the plus sign to request the ingredients to make that product and that will then post to the Other Wall Requests page.

    You will not see your own Ingredient Requests there.

    When your farming friends see that request either in Other Wall Requests and send it to you, when you reload the game it will be in your Gift Manager.

    Each ingredient sent to you by different farmers counts towards your goal.

When a Goal Completes there is a brief animation on the Farm Pass Icon that contains the Goal you completed.
If you have a Reward to claim a Red star will also be showing up on it. Examples:

The Goal you completed in that Farm Pass will also change and have a check mark like this on it:

Old Feb 14 2025, 01:37 PM
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Bonus Goals - Belt Icon

  • If you need information on how Belt and Dan Bonuses can be earned CLICK HERE

  • There is ONLY 1 type of Bonus Goal.
  • They ALL involve YOU using the Other Wall Requests page to send DIFFERENT Famers a Bonus.
  • These can be Daily and or Seasonal Goals and can be in both Farm Passes.
  • Daily Goals (blue background) need to be completed that day.
  • Seasonal Goals (green background) need to be completed before the end of the season.
  • The amounts to send cany vary.

Belt Icon with a Blue Silhouette on it.

This example shows a total of 18 needed.
To complete the goal this farmer needs to send one bonus to 18 different farmers who have posted Belts/Dans that are showing on the Other Wall Requests page.

To send a bonus:
  • Go to the Other Wall Requests page and look for a request that says Get Bonus that does NOT have a pink background, then click on Get Bonus to send it to them.
  • ONE per farmer will count towards your Goal.
  • Example:

  • A pink background on any request means you have already sent that farmer a bonus.
  • The bonus you send can be for any product and any Belt or Dan.
  • You can send ONE Bonus per farmer in a 12 hour period.
  • When you need to send several Bonuses to complete a goal, they need to be sent to different farmers.

When a Goal Completes there is a brief animation on the Farm Pass Icon that contains the Goal you completed.
If you have a Reward to claim a Red star will also be showing up on it. Examples:

The Goal you completed in that Farm Pass will also change and have a check mark like this on it:

Old Feb 14 2025, 01:37 PM
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Co-operative Quest Goals

There are 2 Types of Co-Operative Quest Goals:
  • If you need information on what Co-operative Quests are and how to do them CLICK HERE

    Co-operative Quest goals can can be Daily and Seasonal goals.

    Daily Goals (blue background) need to be competed that day. The following day you will get new goals regardless if they have all been completed or not.
    The time in the Daily Goals section helps you know when that day will end.

    Seasonal goals (green background) - in this case you can complete them over several days or longer as long as you get them done before the season ends.
    The time in the Seasonal Goals section helps you know when the current season will end.

  • You may need to Help Neighbours with their Co-Operative Quests.

  • You may need to complete a number of your own Co-operative Quests.

    IMPORTANT: When deciding whether or not to complete any of your Co-operative quests for a goal, you still need to keep in mind when you can next claim you Farm Cash and if you can get enough done in time to claim that week!!! Completing the last step of a Quest is what governs the time it was completed. You can NOT stop it counting for the week by not claiming the coins. Nothing has changed in that respect.

    It's up to you to decide if it's the right time to complete any quests so that you can still claim your Farm Cash when that day comes round. Remember to collect your coins on a completed Quest!

Complete Co-operative Quests:
Just the Pale blue Quest Dice, no Blue silhouette.
Complete 1 Co-operative Quest. This example is a Daily goal so must be completed before the day is over.

Complete 12 Co-operative Quests. This example is a Seasonal goal so must be completed before the season ends.

Help your Neighbours with their Help Notes on Co-operative quests,
Blue Silhouette on the Blue Dice.

This Goal is to Help your neighbors with 3 co-operative quest Help Notes, one per famer.
It's also a Daily goal so must be completed before the day is over.

There must be a yellow help note on a neighbours co-operative quest step.
You must have what they need to be able to help them.
You can click on one yellow help note per quest.
Each help note counts as one when you click on it and help them with that quest step.

Example of a help note on a co-operative quest step:

When a Goal Completes there is a brief animation on the Farm Pass Icon that contains the Goal you completed.
If you have a Reward to claim a Red star will also be showing up on it. Examples:

The Goal you completed in that Farm Pass will also change and have a check mark like this on it:

Old Feb 14 2025, 01:37 PM
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Regular Quest Goals

  • If you need information on what Regular Quests are and how to do them CLICK HERE

  • These can be Daily and or Seasonal Goals and can be in both Farm Passes.

    Daily Goals (blue background) need to be competed that day. The following day you will get new goals regardless if they have all been completed or not.
    The time in the Daily Goals section helps you know when that day will end.

    Seasonal goals (green background) - in this case you can complete them over several days or longer as long as you get them done before the season ends.
    The time in the Seasonal Goals section helps you know when the current season will end.

  • You will need to complete a number of your own Regular Quests.

    IMPORTANT: When deciding whether or not to complete any of your Regular quests for a Goal, you still need to keep in mind when you can next claim you Farm Cash and if you can get enough done in time to claim that week!!! Completing the last step of a Quest is what governs the time it was completed. You can NOT stop it counting for the week by not claiming the coins. Nothing has changed in that respect.

    It's up to you to decide if it's the right time to complete any quests so that you can still claim your Farm Cash when that day comes round. Remember to collect your coins on a completed Quest!

Complete 1 Regular Quest. This example is a Daily goal so must be completed before the day is over.

Complete 6 Regular Quests. This example is a seasonal goal so must be completed before the season ends.

When a Goal Completes there is a brief animation on the Farm Pass Icon that contains the Goal you completed.
If you have a Reward to claim a Red star will also be showing up on it. Examples:

The Goal you completed in that Farm Pass will also change and have a check mark like this on it:

Old Feb 14 2025, 01:37 PM
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Neighborhood Chains Contest Goals Goals (NCC)

  • NCC (Neighborhood Chains Contest) goals are always seasonal.
    As these are Seasonal goals, if you get one in an earlier week of the season and you can't complete it that week, you still have the rest of the NCC contests in that season for another chance to complete it!!

  • If you need information on what the NCC is and how to participate in it CLICK HERE

  • These Goals can be in both Farm Passes.

  • The time in the Seasonal Goals section helps you know when the current season will end.
    The time counts down to 0

  • Mouseover the Goal to see where you need to place in the NCC contest!

  • The goal will be a random selection to finish the contest in the top 3 to 6 places.

  • Unlike other goals there is no number at the bottom of the goal as the goal will complete when you rank within the top number of places required.

This Goal is in the original Farm Pass 2 (Orange Ticket) and the farmer needs to place in the top 4 places.

This is a Goal in a first week of a Season so the points that can be earned are less than getting this Goal in later weeks but still high.

This Goal is in the original Farm Pass (Yellow Ticket) and the farmer needs to place in the top 3 places.

This is a Goal in one of the later weeks of the Season so the points that can be earned are higher than getting this Goal in earlier weeks.

When a Goal Completes there is a brief animation on the Farm Pass Icon that contains the Goal you completed.

If you have a Reward to claim a Red star will also be showing up on it. Examples:

Example of a completed NCC Goal. It changes to dimmed with a check mark on it.

Old Feb 14 2025, 01:37 PM
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Train Goals

These Goals all involve Working Trains.
Locomotives that have at least 1 Long Car (costs Farm Cash) attached to them.

  • They can be Daily and Seasonal Goals.

  • They can be in both Farm Passes

  • You may get a specific or non specific train goal.

  • You may need to Help friends with specific Trains or any Train

  • You may need to unload or dispatch your trains.

  • If you need information on what Working Trains are CLICK HERE

  • The amount can vary, easier Goals are Daily Goals.
    The time in the Daily Goals section helps you know when that day will end.
    The time counts down to 0 and your Daily goals must be completed before the day ends.

  • The time in the Seasonal Goals section helps you know when the current season will end. The time counts down to 0 to indicate when the next season goals will be added. You must complete your seasonal goals before the Season ends which is shown on the Farm Pass icon on the left of your game screen.

  • At the top of each goal it shows you shows you what points you can earn.

  • At the bottom of each goal it will tell you how many times you need to do a task.

  • Always check the mouseover on a Train Goal so you are clear on if you need to help others with By Boosting Trains in your Train Manager OR if you are Unloading or Dispatching Trains and if it's Specific Locomotive!

ARROW pointing to the RIGHT means DISPATCHING:
Currently ONLY the Dispatch Goals are all daily goals.
The goals are selected at random which means that you could get a goal for a train that you do not own yet or that can not be dispatched that day.

Goals could be for any of the different speed trains that also have long cars attached:
  • Dispatch one Standard Locomotive
  • Dispatch one Enhanced Locomotive
  • Dispatch one Supreme Locomotive
  • Dispatch one Ultimate Locomotive
  • Dispatch one Turbo Locomotive

    In this example, you would need to Dispatch a Turbo Locomotive once, before the current day ends.

ARROW pointing DOWN means UNLOADING:
Unloading goals can be for any of the different Trains.
You can get more than one goal per Season.
You many be required to Unload the same same speed train more than once for any goal.

In this example the farmer needs to Unload a Standard Locomotive 3 times.
They can all be your Standard Locomotives if you have enough time to complete it.
It could be a combination of yours and someone else's if you have Super Neighbour permission to manage someone else's Standard Trains and they don't need them for their own Goals.

In this example, it doesn't matter which Locomotives are Unloaded it's the amount of Locomotives that counts.

A Blue Silhouette means you need to help friends with their Trains.

Neighbours and Buddies can send you Train Boosts.

This example is a Daily Goal so less points and has to be done in the current day. You would need to Boost (Accelerate) one Supreme Locomotive that you receive in your Train Manager to complete the goal:

This is a Seasonal Goal is to Boost (Accelerate) ANY 20 Locomotive's that you receive in your Train Manager:
Far more Points, you have longer to complete the goal.
It's the amount you Boost that counts.
You get a count of 1 for each friends Train you Boost in your Train Manager.

IMPORTANT - Super Neighbours that have the Train Management permission can complete their own train goals by using the farm owners own trains and boosting any trains that have been sent to the farm owner.
They will not be able to see any boosts for their own trains that they may have sent to that farm owner.

When Super Neighbours manage your trains it counts towards their own goals not the farm owners goals!

If you want to remove that permission:
Click on any Neighbour in your Neighbours bar and then click on Order by Super Neighbour

All your Super Neighbours and who you are an Super Neighbour for will have a red dot if they are your Super Neighbour. A purple dot if if you are their Super Neigbour.

Find the Neighbour you want to change the setting for and click on their picture and then click on Edit Super Neighbour. If you are seeing Set as Super Neighbour, they are not your Super Neighbour.

In the menu that shows at the bottom of the settings is Train Management with two options.

To remove the permission, remove the check mark from Permanently Hired for Management and you should see it also removes the check mark for Allow Management of Trains.

Then click the green check mark at the bottom of the window to save that change.

When a Goal Completes there is a brief animation on the Farm Pass Icon that contains the Goal you completed.
If you have a Reward to claim a Red star will also be showing up on it. Examples:

The Goal you completed in that Farm Pass will also change and have a check mark like this on it:

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farm pass, ingredient packs

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