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Old Jun 21 2012, 11:46 AM
Farmgirl1706 Farmgirl1706 is offline
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Ive been having the same slowness problems especially after i got this latest update to adobe flash and the new release on farmtown. I think the combo of the two is messing each other up and flash especially in Firefox is terrible right now.
Old Jun 21 2012, 12:06 PM
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Originally Posted by DARLENEW View Post
I probably missed the answer to this question, or it may not have been asked, however, I just started purchasing the trains....I bought the locomotive and 2 of the other cars....but when I try to purchase the others, when it says you have to have a certain facility on the farm, and I go to that farm, it's locked....then I go back to the other farm that needs the other facility, it is locked, saying works when attached to the train.....I'm confused.....helppppppp!!!!! Thanks
When you go to the farm and it says locked, just reload Farm Town and that should unlock them.
Old Jun 21 2012, 02:01 PM
mpwhitford mpwhitford is offline
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You know I'm all for being patient but I think for a lot of us FT players patience is wearing very thin. At the moment I have 4 farms that need combining and planted. However I can't do them because the plots won't highlight for me. I put my cursor right on the plots and if they highlight at all, the minute I click to harvest the highlight goes away and the plots are still there.

Sometimes it takes 4 or 5 tries before I can actually harvest my farms. I've tried going back to the old tools - 5x5 - I've tried just using the harvest plow instead of harvest plow plant. I've tried going offline I've tried show all I've cleared my cache and macromedia files. My quality is on high I've reloaded, refreshed, rebooted until I'm at my wits end.

I agree the devs do a good job and I'm always right there when a new upgrade comes out but I think a time comes where everything needs to be put on hold until the issues at hand are taken care of. Tell me what good is another farm going to do us when we can't work the one's we have?

A lot of us are missing facilities, trees, animals and some even farms are missing. We can't work for anyone and no one can work for us yet if we do our own farms it's takes twice as long to do. I've timed myself and can get a 28x28 farm harvested plowed and planted in way less than 30 min. now it's taking me well over 45 or as much as an hour.

I love FT and have been playing since it started. Sure there have been ups and downs but never this bad. I for one am at my wits end. FT is a fun game but when you start tearing your hair out and swearing at your computer it's not fun anymore. Please please figure out what is going on so we can all move on.

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Old Jun 21 2012, 03:45 PM
Papa's Snoopy86 Papa's Snoopy86 is offline
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Originally Posted by bagoshen View Post
Boy am I glad my son is a IT Tech, he got me all fixed up last night. active X, flashplayerair and updated my flashplasher and no problems so far.
I updated all of my stuff and it runs SMOOTHHHHHHH lol
Old Jun 21 2012, 04:37 PM
ianski71@btinternet.com ianski71@btinternet.com is offline
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Originally Posted by mpwhitford View Post
You know I'm all for being patient but I think for a lot of us FT players patience is wearing very thin. At the moment I have 4 farms that need combining and planted. However I can't do them because the plots won't highlight for me. I put my cursor right on the plots and if they highlight at all, the minute I click to harvest the highlight goes away and the plots are still there.

Sometimes it takes 4 or 5 tries before I can actually harvest my farms. I've tried going back to the old tools - 5x5 - I've tried just using the harvest plow instead of harvest plow plant. I've tried going offline I've tried show all I've cleared my cache and macromedia files. My quality is on high I've reloaded, refreshed, rebooted until I'm at my wits end.

I agree the devs do a good job and I'm always right there when a new upgrade comes out but I think a time comes where everything needs to be put on hold until the issues at hand are taken care of. Tell me what good is another farm going to do us when we can't work the one's we have?

A lot of us are missing facilities, trees, animals and some even farms are missing. We can't work for anyone and no one can work for us yet if we do our own farms it's takes twice as long to do. I've timed myself and can get a 28x28 farm harvested plowed and planted in way less than 30 min. now it's taking me well over 45 or as much as an hour.

I love FT and have been playing since it started. Sure there have been ups and downs but never this bad. I for one am at my wits end. FT is a fun game but when you start tearing your hair out and swearing at your computer it's not fun anymore. Please please figure out what is going on so we can all move on.
can't say that i have had any of the problems you have i have have done all my 30 of my neighbours farms which are all 14 farm at maximum sizes with no problems and very quickly and most of my freinds have returned the favour without any problems. i have 8 maximum size farms which i use for crops and have just done them all in under 15 mins. the devs are doing a really good job i think and cant wait for farm 15 which i have already planned in my head.
Old Jun 21 2012, 05:12 PM
mpwhitford mpwhitford is offline
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Originally Posted by ianski71@btinternet.com View Post
can't say that i have had any of the problems you have i have have done all my 30 of my neighbours farms which are all 14 farm at maximum sizes with no problems and very quickly and most of my freinds have returned the favour without any problems. i have 8 maximum size farms which i use for crops and have just done them all in under 15 mins. the devs are doing a really good job i think and cant wait for farm 15 which i have already planned in my head.
wow that is great that you've never had any issues at all. I have had the same issues working my neighbors farms. You only have 30 neighbors? Hmmmm. But then again if you have 8 farms that you use for crops that must mean that you have nothing else on your 8 farms but crops.

I know I have heard constantly that having more than 1 thing on a farm can cause problems but truthfully I think I am in the percentage of people that have crops and trees and maybe flowers and buildings on one farm. Just keep on the way you are with a stripped down farm and you won't have any issues.

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Old Jun 21 2012, 05:37 PM
ianski71@btinternet.com ianski71@btinternet.com is offline
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Originally Posted by mpwhitford View Post
wow that is great that you've never had any issues at all. I have had the same issues working my neighbors farms. You only have 30 neighbors? Hmmmm. But then again if you have 8 farms that you use for crops that must mean that you have nothing else on your 8 farms but crops.

I know I have heard constantly that having more than 1 thing on a farm can cause problems but truthfully I think I am in the percentage of people that have crops and trees and maybe flowers and buildings on one farm. Just keep on the way you are with a stripped down farm and you won't have any issues.
I must admit to having very functional farms the 8 with the crops have a few facilities and some animals on them but i do have 2 dedicated solely to facilities 1 for trees 1 for animals 1 for flowers 1 decorative and farm 15 will be lakes rivers and coasts when we get it, at the moment i have a few on each farm, this could be the reason i do not have any issues but when i visit some of my friends theirs are layered and all that malarkey i admit it does take a tad longer to do them but not much more if you hide certain things as you go.
Old Jun 21 2012, 05:53 PM
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Originally Posted by ianski71@btinternet.com View Post
I must admit to having very functional farms the 8 with the crops have a few facilities and some animals on them but i do have 2 dedicated solely to facilities 1 for trees 1 for animals 1 for flowers 1 decorative and farm 15 will be lakes rivers and coasts when we get it, at the moment i have a few on each farm, this could be the reason i do not have any issues but when i visit some of my friends theirs are layered and all that malarkey i admit it does take a tad longer to do them but not much more if you hide certain things as you go.
I have 6 for facilities, they are my little towns, 2 for trees, 1 for flowers, 1 main crop field (might change that to 2 main crop fields), 2 smaller crop fields with some water on it, and I have 1 farm as my storage farm for stuff I am not using and don't want to use my storage for. My animals are on my tree farms and some on one of my smaller crop field. I have no farms layered, but I do have my crops overlapping with nothing on top of my crops and I have very few problems with my farms, like you when I visit farms with layering it takes a little longer to load the farm.
Old Jun 21 2012, 11:30 PM
justmecookin justmecookin is offline
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I have played since FT started and have never had a problem..Thanks Raul for all the new items
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Old Jun 22 2012, 01:20 AM
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PPPSSSSSSTTTTTT, hey Tony, isn't it almost time for a mod to close this thread??? jus' sayin....
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