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Old Jul 27 2023, 09:56 PM
spotter77 spotter77 is offline
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Thanks! That is an option I have not tried yet. I will do that. I'm willing to try anything at this point.
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Old Jul 29 2023, 08:45 AM
astrid1st astrid1st is offline
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Hello Taz, on 07/23/23 you advised that I contact support in regards to my issue not being able to post work. To me it looks like I am posting work but none of my neighbors can see it. I checked with all of them.

I did contact support on 07/23/23 in the morning and here is what I received after I hit the send button but nothing else since. There was also no email with a code:

1730183117 Build No: 517ttp://www.slashkey.com/forum/showthread.php?p=6555338#post6555338

Please advise what else can be done. Thank you ~ Astrid
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Old Jul 29 2023, 09:13 AM
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Originally Posted by astrid1st View Post
Hello Taz, on 07/23/23 you advised that I contact support in regards to my issue not being able to post work. To me it looks like I am posting work but none of my neighbors can see it. I checked with all of them.

I did contact support on 07/23/23 in the morning and here is what I received after I hit the send button but nothing else since. There was also no email with a code:

1730183117 Build No: 517ttp://www.slashkey.com/forum/showthread.php?p=6555338#post6555338

Please advise what else can be done. Thank you ~ Astrid
Hi Astrid,
Please try sending to them again and see if you get the reply with the ticket number. Be sure to check your spam folder. Please be patient for a reasponse as Support has been swamped with registration for all those who didn't register for the website before the Facebook shut down.
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Old Jul 29 2023, 06:07 PM
astrid1st astrid1st is offline
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I will try again and thank you ~ Astrid
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Old Jul 30 2023, 01:23 PM
astrid1st astrid1st is offline
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Taz, support had actually sent email right away on 07/23/23 but it went to my junk folder. I am glad you mentioned yesterday that this could happen. Support and I have been communicating since yesterday and the work I post now shows up on the wall. Thank you for your all your help ~ Astrid
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Old Jul 31 2023, 05:39 PM
Southern_Wolf Southern_Wolf is offline
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Default Working others facilities

I'm constantly getting disconnected when I load a neighbor/buddy's facilities and I see the message about no more work avaliable.
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Old Jul 31 2023, 05:46 PM
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Originally Posted by Southern_Wolf View Post
I'm constantly getting disconnected when I load a neighbor/buddy's facilities and I see the message about no more work avaliable.
Hi Southern_Wolf

I moved your post to the thread about Facilities.

Please be sure that your browser and your computer system are up to date.

If you need to do an update, then it is always better to restart your computer.

You can also reset your router/modem for a few minutes and see if that helps.

Then start working friends facilities again.

I dont know how many tabs you open in your browser while working facilities, but start opening only 2 tabs and see if they work correctly for you. If they do, then you can try 4 tabs, if they are ok, then you can try 6 tabs.
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Old Aug 04 2023, 03:41 AM
Li'l ol' me...Merv Li'l ol' me...Merv is offline
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Default Problem with my facility manager

So in the Facility manager, for restocking, I click on 'store all ' and 'load all' and 'start all '
I have various tools and turbo stuff to work multiple facilities but I still have to do some manually,
I have no idea why that is.

Also despite the facility manager showing all facilities at 100% capacity the 'remaining capacity by missing ' review shows I need

2 white wine barrel- 1585 in stock
6 champagne barrel - 1735 in stock
2 red wine container -2106 in stock

No idea which facility needs these

I have reloaded... and done the Cache clean and reloaded..

This happens quite frequently.
Please advise, especially why I have the tools in the facility manager but still need to do work manually

Thank you from Merv.
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Old Aug 04 2023, 08:21 AM
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Originally Posted by Li'l ol' me...Merv View Post
So in the Facility manager, for restocking, I click on 'store all ' and 'load all' and 'start all '
I have various tools and turbo stuff to work multiple facilities but I still have to do some manually,
I have no idea why that is.

Also despite the facility manager showing all facilities at 100% capacity the 'remaining capacity by missing ' review shows I need

2 white wine barrel- 1585 in stock
6 champagne barrel - 1735 in stock
2 red wine container -2106 in stock

No idea which facility needs these

I have reloaded... and done the Cache clean and reloaded..

This happens quite frequently.
Please advise, especially why I have the tools in the facility manager but still need to do work manually

Thank you from Merv.
Hi Merv,

If your facilities are not getting to 100% when you first use ALL of the buttons at the top of the facility manager, what is happening is that you initially did not have enough to get them to 100%

After you have used the buttons at the top of the facility manager what happens next is this:
The mayor returns to you a bonus amount of ingredients for starting those batches. Those ingredients that are given to you would allow you to start more batches in any facilities that were not at 100% BUT that information can be slow to update the figures in the game. It can not be instant as that would cause a slowdown.

What you can do if you wish, is after using the buttons at the top of the facility manager, don't check the ingredient planner right away. Reload the game then check it. Reloading should update your amounts.

If after doing that you are ONLY seeing the very small amounts for the white wine barrel, champagne barrel, red wine container in red then that is likely the very old glitch that happened when production was altered in the wineries to increase what could be produced in them and you can ignore those small amounts in red when your amount underneath it in black shows that you have enough of them.

To answer this other question:
No idea which facility needs these
The pictures for any ingredient/product shown in the ingredient planner can be clicked on to see more information.

For example if you were to click on a picture of green grapes it would tell you that you can get them by harvesting them.

If you then looked above that information you would see another link which you could click on that tells you what you can make with those green grapes and it will show you things like the white wine barrel and champagne barrel and more.

If you clicked on the white wine barrel it will then show you the products that the white wine barrel can make. Look above that for another link that says "See how to obtain White Wine Barrel", when you click on that it shows you what you need to make it and top right the picture of the facility where the white wine barrel can be made. If you mouseover that picture it shows you you the name of it. You can also click on the picture of that facility to see what else it makes.


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Old Aug 06 2023, 08:51 AM
Southern_Wolf Southern_Wolf is offline
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Default Southern_Wolf

Facility and ingredients requests are not loading.
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