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Old Aug 03 2012, 09:00 AM
Join Date: Oct 05 2009
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Thanks so much for the update, Raul.....it is fantastic.....love the people...now it looks like someone is working on the farms....love the new way to help neighbors...now I can work for more of them without taking a ridiculous amount of time.....still having to wait to get the trains until I can get more FC.....way to go, devs!!!!!
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Old Aug 03 2012, 09:02 AM
AlexKwake AlexKwake is offline
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Can you pleasepleasepleasedeargodinheavenplease, make it optional for the mayor to work the rest of the facilities? I like the idea to a certain extent, but I have facilities that I don't have a lot of ingredients for (and I'm definitely not the type who has to have all the facilities) and I'd prefer those not get worked on automatically. It was bad enough that you felt the need to take away the option to work individual productions in a facility, but now this? I'm not saying it's a bad thing, but make it optional, I beg you.
Old Aug 03 2012, 09:26 AM
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I have a problem since the update with loading my farm after gifting. After I send gifts I get an error message "Timed out XSESSION". This only happens after sending gifts and is resolved if I reload.

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Old Aug 03 2012, 09:27 AM
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Originally Posted by AlexKwake View Post
Can you pleasepleasepleasedeargodinheavenplease, make it optional for the mayor to work the rest of the facilities? I like the idea to a certain extent, but I have facilities that I don't have a lot of ingredients for (and I'm definitely not the type who has to have all the facilities) and I'd prefer those not get worked on automatically. It was bad enough that you felt the need to take away the option to work individual productions in a facility, but now this? I'm not saying it's a bad thing, but make it optional, I beg you.
Im sorry Alex - I don't see why it is a problem?? Do you tell your neighbours not to work certain facilities?

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Old Aug 03 2012, 09:28 AM
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Originally Posted by Grammy Snowbird View Post
Thanks, Maggie, yes, I have moved the new car to the train in progress and it is highlighted so I think it's in the right place to go once I redispatch. Thanks for the reply.
You are very welcome

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Old Aug 03 2012, 09:41 AM
Grammy 11 Grammy 11 is offline
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Originally Posted by StoneFace View Post
did you mean coriander?

Here we are playing a game and I am learning something new almost every day. Like couscous, and I still don't know what yerba mate is, but if I see it on a menu I'll ask for a pot of it.
Old Aug 03 2012, 09:49 AM
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Originally Posted by AlexKwake View Post
Can you pleasepleasepleasedeargodinheavenplease, make it optional for the mayor to work the rest of the facilities? I like the idea to a certain extent, but I have facilities that I don't have a lot of ingredients for (and I'm definitely not the type who has to have all the facilities) and I'd prefer those not get worked on automatically. It was bad enough that you felt the need to take away the option to work individual productions in a facility, but now this? I'm not saying it's a bad thing, but make it optional, I beg you.
See this just shows that people have to complain, there have been what hundreds or thousands of posts, maybe less saying they need help with facilities and I don't remember see any posts that said NO they like it the way it is and now that the dev's have done what people was asking for all of a sudden seeing post that NO I don't want my facilities worked automatically. If you don't want facilities worked then put them on one farm and tell your neighbors to stay away from that farm and not to work them. I like the way they have done the working in the facilities and can't wait for them to activate more help depending on the train system that is in place.
Old Aug 03 2012, 10:18 AM
Farmgirl1706 Farmgirl1706 is offline
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I love the extra help with facilities.....however anyone else getting more flash crashing since the update....especially those who like have facilities on every farm. Ive done all the clear cashe and stuff. And its shocking cause im in Chrome. Any ideas of what is causing flash to crash more?
Old Aug 03 2012, 10:55 AM
AlexKwake AlexKwake is offline
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Kitt and Magiel, I'm not saying it's a bad thing, but how hard would it have been to have two things to click on when the mayor pops up, one saying "Yes, please" and one saying "No, thank you." And yes, I do ask people to only work on certain facitilities. No, I don't think I should have to empty out my factories and move them around just to make it so they aren't worked on automatically. I simply would like the option still for some of my facilities to not be worked on. I seem to recall reading more than one post in this thread saying that this wasn't the issue that needed resolving anyway, it was the fact that they have to go to each farm individually.

TLR version: I'm not saying it's horrible and must go away, just want options.
Old Aug 03 2012, 11:19 AM
Grammy 11 Grammy 11 is offline
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Originally Posted by AlexKwake View Post
Kitt and Magiel, I'm not saying it's a bad thing, but how hard would it have been to have two things to click on when the mayor pops up, one saying "Yes, please" and one saying "No, thank you." And yes, I do ask people to only work on certain facitilities. No, I don't think I should have to empty out my factories and move them around just to make it so they aren't worked on automatically. I simply would like the option still for some of my facilities to not be worked on. I seem to recall reading more than one post in this thread saying that this wasn't the issue that needed resolving anyway, it was the fact that they have to go to each farm individually.

TLR version: I'm not saying it's horrible and must go away, just want options.
Hi. I am not getting something. How do you control whether a facility is worked? Having the Mayor do half the items helps the worker. I don't see how it impacts the farmer whose facility is being worked. Once you post, every facility is available. And once a facility is chosen, there's no way to stop all items in it to be available. If you are doing that now, please tell me how.

Thanks and happy farming!!!! )
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