See Known Issues, More Information and Post Release Updates at the end of this post. Last updates released on November 12th, 5:10PM.
Hi There, We just released a new version of the game with the following new features and bug fixes: EN ESPAÑOL AQUI 1. 13 People related decorations: 3 People, 2 People on Horses and 8 People in Motor Vehicles. 2. Farm 28: See prices below: 12x12 - 9000000000 coins or 50 FarmCash (New Farm) 14x14 - 9500000000 coins or 20 FarmCash 16x16 - 10000000000 coins or 20 FarmCash 18x18 - 10500000000 coins or 20 FarmCash 20x20 - 11000000000 coins or 20 FarmCash 22x22 - 11500000000 coins or 25 FarmCash 3. Super Neighbours hired for design Improvements: If the option "Allow selling and buying items with my coins" is enabled for a Super Neighbour, he/she will be able to: a) Use his or your Dozer, Multi Planter, Plower or Transplanter on your farm. Notice that before this release, all Super Neighbours hired for design were able to use Plower tools on your farm, now they will *only* be able to use the Plowers if you have granted the "Allow selling and buying items with my coins" permission, the reason for this is that the money for the plow fields are taken from the farm owner so this should be approved by him. Remember he will never be able to delete Farm Cash items. b) Buy new ground covers for your farm. 4. Show Workable Farms in Market: When you are hiring others and you are selecting the target farms, there will be a new blue button 'Show Work Info' on that screen. This will highlight all the farms with work available based on the type of work you selected previously. Each farm button will convey 3 bits of information, for example if farm 1 button shows '7500 in 30x30' it means that there are 7500 workable items on that farm, which size is 30x30. Notice that the 7500 figure combines all the work available for the types of work you have selected, for example, if you did a Hire Multiple and selected all the options, it could mean that there is 1000 crops ready, 1000 trees ready to harvest, 1000 flowers ready, 1000 trees ready to chop, 1500 fields ready to plow and 2000 fish available to catch on that particular farm. We also highlight in green how much of the total farm surface is covered with workable items, for example if half of your farm 1 is covered with ready to harvest crops, and 1 quarter is covered with ready to harvest trees and the last quarter is covered with decorations, the green bar will reflect that you have 3 quarters of your farm 1 surface covered with workable items. In the future and based on users feedback we may decide to split the green bar by each type of work using different colors, so you can also have a good idea of how much of each type of work is available on each farm. Due to the amount of back end resources that this operation consumes, you can only refresh this information once every 10 minutes. 5. Long Logs Freight Car: It will deliver Bamboo Log Pile, Cinnamon Log Pile, Cedar Log Pile, Pine Tree, Oak Log Pile, Maple Log Pile, Ebony Log Pile and Teak Log Pile. 6. Long Flowers Freight Car: It will deliver Glads, Tulips, Purple Orchid, Violets, Iris, Yellow Lilies, Marigold, Rose, Pink Rose and White Rose. 7. Other Improvements: - When planting crops, if you open the Store and pick another seed, the current Seeder tool size that was selected before will remain selected. This will save you extra clicks if you plant different crops on the same farm, you don't need to keep selecting the same Seeder again and again, just open the Store and pick a new seed. - Easier to highlight these crops: Wheat, Eggplant, Cotton, Carrots, Corn, Potato, Raspberry, Blueberry, Coffee, Pineapples. This was released 2 weeks ago. - When you are accepting gifts and your Gift Box is full, we will show a Warning message so you don't lose your gifts. - New 'Remove Neighbour' option in your neighbour bar. - Bug Fix: If you removed a neighbour that was your Super Neighbour as well, you don't have a way to remove him from your Super Neighbour list as he will not appear on your Neighbour Bar. Moving forward we will remove those Super Neighbours automatically. - When you hire others to Plow, there is a Message Box with an explanation of how the economy works for the Plow work, we removed this message. 8. Two new Crops: New Dragon Fruit cash crop to replace the Acorn Squash which is now used in the Canadian Restaurant. Jute crop used to make Jute Textile Roll on the Textile and Spinning Mill. 9. African Restaurant (FC): Produces African Food. Fufu n Okra Soup Doro Wat Bobotie Suya Jollof Rice n Fish Octopus Couscous Chicken Maafe Halva New Products in other facilities: Sorghum Flour on the Windmills. Injera Bread on the Bakery. 10. Orchard Supplies Factory (Coins): Produces Orchard Supplies. Tree Ring Tree Guard Tree Branch Support Harvest Basket Weed Mats Soaker Hose Bark Scraper Pole Pruner New Products in other facilities: Jute Textile Roll on the Textile and Spinning Mill. 11. Irrigation Supplies Shop (FC): Provides Irrigation Retail Services and can be stocked with products from the Irrigation Supplies Factory. 12. Orchard Supplies Shop (Coins): Provides Orchard Retail Services and can be stocked with products from the Orchard Supplies Factory. Enjoy! --Raul Post-Release Updates - September 27th, 2:40PM - The Long Flowers Car is back on the store available for purchase. Post-Release Updates - September 28th, 6:30PM BugFix: Some users were having issues accepting or exchanging gifts, please report if you are still having issues. Post-Release Updates - September 28th, 11:30PM - BugFix: The Get Work Info was not considering correctly information about the farm irrigation status, this caused the numbers of work items available in a farm to be incorrect for people using irrigators. Post-Release Updates - September 30th, 6:50PM - New 'Remove Neighbour' option in your neighbour bar. - Bug Fix: If you removed a neighbour that was your Super Neighbour as well, you don't have a way to remove him from your Super Neighbour list as he will not appear on your Neighbour Bar. Moving forward we will remove those Super Neighbours automatically. - When you hire others to Plow, there is a Message Box with an explanation of how the economy works for the Plow work, we removed this message. Post-Release Updates - October 1st, 8:00PM - We just released last year's Halloween items. Next week we will release 16 new items. Post-Release Updates - October 2nd, 3:00PM - Released the African Restaurant. Post-Release Updates - October 7th, 7:30PM - 16 new Halloween items released, 5 as gifts and 11 on the Store. Post-Release Updates - October 16th, 11:10PM - General Performance Improvements: The latest version of the Flash Player introduced some changes that slowed down the game considerably on many areas, we just released several workarounds to minimize this impact, on some or even on most situations the game should now be faster than it was before, when moving the mouse over the farm, dragging the farm around and when doing farming operations, even on larger farms. One of the compromise we did was that when you move the mouse over the farm items, the items are not highlighted until you stop moving the mouse, only then the item under the mouse is highlighted for you to interact with it, we think this should not be a major issue compared to the performance gains of this new strategy. We tested the game as much as we could but the change covered many areas so please report your comments and if you find any major inconveniences with the new changes. Post-Release Updates - October 17th, 7:00PM - The process of switching tools should now be much faster. Post-Release Updates - October 20th, 8:25PM - New performance improvements, faster moving around the farm, dragging farm, faster farming, better highlighting and moving/placing items in farm and faster tool switching. Please leave feedback on this changes on this thread. Post-Release Updates - October 21th, 8:30PM - BugFix: You can now highlight and select transparent trains. Post-Release Updates - November 10th, 5:00AM - 10 new Thanksgiving items, 4 as gifts, 4 in the top section and 2 in the bottom section of the Store. - The 'Thanksgiving Sign Decor' has been renamed to 'Thanks Sign' and you can now send it back to friends. Post-Release Updates - November 10th, 10:00PM - As part of the game performance optimization efforts we have upgraded our Flash Development Environment to the latest version, this in itself should bring some improvements but it's possible that you may find some hiccups due to this that we will have to fix as we go, but so far it looks pretty stable, please report any issues. - We have also focused on improving some of the key farming operations in the game, in particular, when using the tree shaker, flower harvester and log truck, so big farms fully populated with trees or flowers should be faster to handle now, I even tried 40 x 40 farms fully populated with trees and the experience was acceptable on a 6 years old computer with 4GB of RAM, Intel Core Duo 3GHz CPU. - Multiplanters do not show progress bars or transparency on trees or flowers anymore, this makes easier planting the next set of trees with the correct alignment. - We also fixed most of the issues with the Show XYZ options in the Preferences Window, when Showing and Hiding items, they should not reappear again when moving the mouse. - Removed the green patches that were appearing randomly while farming - Fixed bugs that caused items to get hidden when moved from storage to farms - Fixed bugs related to moving animals to item storage or sheds - The behavior of the red lines when hiding items is exactly the same as it was before - The next release should probably come by the end of this week Post-Release Updates - November 11th, 8:00PM - Fixed an issue that caused malfunctioning of the game for some users, like game not loading, flashing quest icon or gray tools in toolbox. Post-Release Updates - November 12th, 5:10PM - We just released a workaround for the 'Show FarmTown Wall Requests' problem, old posts are not available anymore, from now on, when your friends post something, you will see it. With this new change by facebook we do not have access to the manually entered custom message anymore, so if your friend entered a message manually when posting you will only see that message on your facebook friends feed but not on the 'Show FarmTown Wall Requests' page. Known Issues - When Showing/Hiding items sometimes there are sections that are not shown correctly - When using the Multiplanter sometimes some of the recently planted items get hidden Last edited by Raul; Nov 12 2015 at 04:19 PM. |
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