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Old Jan 19 2013, 01:09 AM
Raul Raul is offline
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Default New Release -- January 19th, 2013

See Known Issues, More Information and Post Release Changes at the end of this post. Last changes released at Feb 4th, 6:00PM EST.

Hi There,

We just released a new version of the game with the following features and bug fixes:

1. 11 New Valentine Items.

2. 32 x 32 Farm Expansions for farms 11 - 14: Here are the prices -> 4,000,000,000 Coins or 30 FarmCash.

3. Employers and Employee Bonus Improvements: If an Employee is working on the Employers farm and they are both receiving bonuses, anyone of them can hire or re-hire the other for any type of work and they will continue receiving bonuses.

4. Homeward Hazards Minigame: As usual, you have 3 stages and you can go into Practice mode to play each of the stages and improve personal records or you have the option to play multiplayer with all your friends currently in the farm, in this case, the user who finish all the 3 stages first win.

The Goal of this minigame is to transport supplies from the Store to the Farm as quickly as possible.

5. Flower Harvester 12 x 8 (FC): If you already own the Flower Harvester 8 x 8, then you can buy this new Flower Harvester to harvest faster, up to 96 at a time.

6. Time Manager - The following timing information was added:

- Receive Ingredients
- Buy Products from Others
- Next Quest
- Next Quest to Expire
- Fertilize Farms (Per-Farm tab)
- Irrigate Farms (Per-Farm tab)

More info is shown in a Tooltip when you mouseover the checkmarks.

In the future we will continue providing more timing information like Train Arrivals info and when you are due again to receive minigames rewards.

7. Animal Buildings Next Harvest Time shown in Facility Manager: If an animal building in the Facility Manager is not ready to be harvested at the time you will see a message showing how much time is left for it to be ready, ex: 'Ready in 10 hrs'.

NOTE: The time left info will start showing up the next time you harvest a particular animal building.

8. Multifarm Manure Spreader: If you already own the Orange Manure Spreader, then you can buy this new Green Manure Spreader to fertilize all your farms at once. As expected, only farms that are not fertilized at the time will be fertilized. Farms that are not fertilized and that do not contain any plants at the time will be fertilized as well.

NOTE: This Green Manure Spreader will replace your Orange Manure Spreader in the tool box. Also, all Manure Spreaders will Fertilize All farms once you upgrade to the Green One.

9. Dim Out non-relevant items preference Improvement: Below this preference in the Preference Window you can now choose if you want the non-relevant items DIMMED or completely HIDDEN.

10. New White Beans Crop and Octopus Fish in the Small Sea Coast.

11. Animal Sports Supplies Factory (Coins): Produces Animal Sports Supplies.

Arena Drag
Horse Number Pad
Finish Line
Arena Booth Entrance
Jumping Obstacle
Bull Rope
Rope Wire Brush
Roping Dummy
Riding Helmet

12. Spanish Restaurant (FC): Produces Spanish Food.

Fabada Asturiana
Garlic Shrimps
Octopus a la Gallega
Spanish Tortilla
Cod a la Brasa
Seafood Paella
Crema Catalana

New products on other facilities:

Chorizo in the Smokehouse

13. Hippodrome (coins): This is a Service Facility that can be stocked with the products below:

Fish Burger
Onion Pizza
Horse Racing Trophy
Arena Drag
Horse Number Pad
Finish Line
Arena Booth Entrance
Jumping Obstacle

New products on other facilities:

Horse Racing Trophy in the Trophy Factory.

14. Rodeo (FC): This is a Service Facility that can be stocked with the products below:

Smoked Salmon and Chips
Back Ribs and Beans
Bull Rope
Rope Wire Brush
Roping Dummy
Riding Helmet



Post Release Updates - Jan 23rd, 1:00AM EST:

- New Homeward Hazards Minigame is now live

- Users that have bought the Green Manure Spreader and can't use it should be able to use it now

- Animal buildings timing in facility manager has been fixed

- After you sell all the Animal Buildins incorrectly shown in your harvest storage, there should be no more of them in the storage anymore in the future

- Animal building looking like facilities bug is now fixed

- "Utilization" filter in facility manager fixed

- In the Time Manager, per-farm tab, farms are now showing in the same order as your farm selector

- People who don't even have the Green Manure Spreader sometimes saw all their farms fertilized in the farm selector, although they were really not fertilized. This was a bug and should now be fixed.

Post Release Updates - Jan 31st, 9:00PM EST:

- Sorting by Done and Utilization in Facility Manager still had some bugs with the animal buildings, this should be fixed now.

- Top counters like Pending and Done in Facility Manager were sometimes incorrect due to the animal buildings, this should be fixed now.

- Time to harvest for animal buildings in Facility Manager now should show exactly the same number as the Animal Building in the farm, ex: 19.9 hours.

Post Release Updates - Feb 1st, 10:00PM EST:

- Fixed other pending bugs with Animal Timing in Facility Manager for some users. If you don't see the correct time, it should be corrected the next time you harvest that particular building.

- Animal buildings in Facility Manager are shown again when you use the 'Active Facilities on all farms' filter.

Post Release Updates - Feb 4th, 6:00PM EST:

- More fixes with the timings for Animal Buildings in Facility Manager.

Known Issues:

- None

Last edited by Raul; Feb 04 2013 at 05:10 PM.
Old Jan 19 2013, 01:10 AM
Aussie Rae Aussie Rae is offline
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thanks Raul, xoxo

Visit 's Farm

DB:W20, MPS:C20
Old Jan 19 2013, 01:10 AM
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Thanks Raul!!
Dubh Glais Estates
Please come visit me on my farms (underlined link above) and if you see me say hi! I do ask that you not send me in-game messages for any problems other than forum login issues, as I can only help with those from my farm.
Post your problem or question here in the forums and we will gladly help you to solve it as quickly as we can.
Old Jan 19 2013, 01:12 AM
chrisluvsanimals chrisluvsanimals is offline
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I knew it would be tonight....Thanks!!
Old Jan 19 2013, 01:13 AM
Electrox Electrox is offline
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Thanks for the update, been losing crops due to buffer overflow, connection errors since the 15th. off and on.

Thank you for #7. that will help.

how about more train cars, and engines. we still need better balance.
Old Jan 19 2013, 01:16 AM
FarmerWitch FarmerWitch is offline
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Thanks so much for the new stuff ... a big 'Yay' for the Multifarm Manure Spreader!
My Farm: http://apps.facebook.com/farmtown/pl...4007&farm_ix=0

Farming since: 14 December 2009
Old Jan 19 2013, 01:20 AM
neetys neetys is offline
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Excited! Off to play now
Old Jan 19 2013, 01:23 AM
Toni0912 Toni0912 is offline
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Thank you Raul and the developers for the great update - Time to go and play with the new goodies and see what is in store for us.
Old Jan 19 2013, 01:27 AM
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AussieGecko AussieGecko is offline
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Very nice update indeed . . Thanks Raul and developers . . . you continue to make this a fantastic game.
Old Jan 19 2013, 01:27 AM
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Taz D Taz D is offline
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Not seeing this Raul:
7. Animal Buildings Next Harvest Time shown in Facility Manager: If an animal building in the Facility Manager is not ready to be harvested at the time you will see a message showing how much time is left for it to be ready, ex: 'Ready in 10 hrs'.
Dubh Glais Estates
Please come visit me on my farms (underlined link above) and if you see me say hi! I do ask that you not send me in-game messages for any problems other than forum login issues, as I can only help with those from my farm.
Post your problem or question here in the forums and we will gladly help you to solve it as quickly as we can.
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