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Old Dec 22 2020, 09:11 AM
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Farmer_Susan Farmer_Susan is offline
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Originally Posted by Taz D View Post
Hi Bandida Nina,
If they stop to provide updates for every little thing they get completed then that will slow them down on getting more done. The developers did start the conversion when it was announced last year that Flash would end. They did not put it off to the last minute. Farm Town is a much more complicated program than many of those other games.

I assure you that the developers will update you before they release with what is working and what they are still working on after the restricted release is done.

Please be patient as they are working hard to get as much working as they can before the "deadline". Testing is ongoing as they continue to work on it.
As a software developer myself, I can ASSURE you this is true. It may sound like a 5-minute task but it's not. For one thing, you have to get yourself in a totally different mindframe - break your concentration - come at it from a different direction. Then you have to figure out what to say. Because working on something and describing it are two different things. Then once you've done your post, you have to get yourself BACK in your programmer mindset. It's not as easy as it sounds. That's what the mods are doing an excellent job of - sort of being a touchstone for us. I'm nervous, too. Based on what Raul has said, some things WILL be different - or at least in the initial rollout. But Raul has ALWAYS come through for us. He's a great game developer, IMHO. Keeps working at it until its awesome. I don't expect it to be perfect when it first launches. This is a HUGE deal so yes - I imagine there WILL be issues. But what I DO anticipate is that over time, everything will get smoothed out. That's what has always made Raul so awesome - he keeps working on a thing until it's good. He comes back to stuff and fixes it. None of us wanted to have to change - but we didn't have a choice. So I'm just planning to hang in there and wait and see.

But yes - it's all a bit nerve-wracking! I get it.
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