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Old Jun 06 2011, 12:21 PM
max_river max_river is offline
Join Date: Aug 01 2010
Location: ottawa,ontario
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Originally Posted by kathyonthefarm View Post
OK I'm going to vent a little but not at the devs but at the whiners! The devs in FT listen to our requests by suggestions and polls unlike other games on FB. If you don't like something they have given us don't use it or buy it! But quit complaining to the devs about it. The belt system is just an added bonus but you don't need to click the green button to post just click the red button. Your friends don't have to help you on this to get a new building built like in FV, it's just an added bonus. It's the same as the facililties, they don't have to help you to get your products done, they will complete in time on thier own, but it's great when your neighbors help. And who can say which facilities or stores aren't right? We all build our "farms" different and need different things. I have farms but I also have camping grounds, beach resorts and such where the new items fit just fine. But I wouldn't quit the game if they design something I don't want I would just not buy it. The devs of FT are awesome!!! And I don't think some people give them the much needed credit for a free game (nobody forces you to buy the FC items) that they continue to add to for your enjoyment. Hey folks this is for enjoyment!! if you don't like it quit! but quit harping on the devs for the great job they do! OK got that of my chest, but how negative can some people be, must walk around with a frown on thier face all the time.
well said. with all the time dev are dealing with all this to try to make you all happy we could of had our new levels and the 10 farm. if you do not like them chose not to do them