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Old Jun 18 2012, 10:14 PM
Texas Belle Texas Belle is offline
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Originally Posted by Ellen Betty Nelson View Post
I do love this game. And thank the developers for it, and all of their hard work. [For even trying to keep some of us happy!]
It does take me time to understand the possibilities of the new items, so In that way I think them telling us a little of what is upcoming is good. But I try not to paint much of a picture of what is coming, mainly so I won't be dissappointed if it doesn't turn up like I was thinking it would be. Most of the time I am very pleased when I get the newer things and learn how they work.
I was surprised that the trains actually had a job to do! Thanks for that nice touch! And Yes, I did fuss that that was too much, but I went to work and 'found' the $ somewhere and got the train cars.

However, I do have a major gripe with the game. Most of the times when I hire someone to harvest trees for me, they only do part of them. Now I realize that some of the trees are difficult to harvest without missing some, but there should be a way that they can change color or something when they are ready for harvest. And that then would show me which ones the workers didn't harvest. Some of the trees like the cherries and apples and oranges do show very well, but the people I hire even miss a lot of them. That makes me get upset and do it myself for a few times. Lots of times I will anyway, but it would make it nice if I could see a difference in the trees after they are harvested.
Yes, I know that if I run the harvester over them, it will highlight the trees needing harvesting, but that is the only way to know for sure if they have been harvested. I am talking about maybe a highlighted color or something for a whole field of certain trees that have not been harvested.
Wonder if anyone else has this same problem?
Thanks again for the game.
The trees get a white line across them when you are harvesting and they go kind of like the train opaque and when you finish harvesting they are back to their green color.... no problem with that... people from the market tried to do as many as they can as fast as they can and then move on, in my farms I do the trees and the fishing, its therapeutical, like pulling weeds, better than a psychiatrist..... lol