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Old Aug 10 2013, 12:08 AM
sizzlinsssandi sizzlinsssandi is offline
Join Date: May 29 2009
Location: Missouri
Posts: 33
Cool In defense of those without the fancy tools

I have been away from FT for nearly 3 years and was level 145 upon my return. Alot has changed with the game - one being all the "tools" one is able to purchase and for the most part all with real cash. Now I'm not rich and play the game for entertainment, but I found immediately that when you have no tools, no one wants you to work for them. Only people working are the ones with superboat, mega harvesters/plowers and when I get hired not saying solo, then upon arrival to "clicks" and even one other person can harvest the entire farm before I even get 20 plots for credit. Glad they have all the fancy equipment, but sure makes disadvantage for beginning players to compete. Just saying.........So my strategy is to ask for players below a certain level to hire to give them an extra chance to compete in the hiring market.
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