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Old Jan 07 2010, 11:27 PM
ed's farm123 ed's farm123 is offline
Join Date: May 11 2009
Posts: 47

Originally Posted by CM Horses View Post
Thanks for all the updates.... I appreciate all of the wonderful things you have provided.... Here is some feed back I am sure you want to know about.....

I am finding that my avatar starts out very fast and then it gets choked down... once the counting finishes then the the avatar starts going at a good rate again. I have a new fast computer, 4GB Ram, but it does not seem to matter on a lot of the farms... I have harvested and plowed a few farms that the avatar moves on as it should... It is very frustrating for the farm owner and the worker. Does this have something to do with the servers that our farms are on? I hope you can fix this glitch...
I think it does. I notice when i'm working with someone else, say harvesting, that my harvesting will be much faster than the other.
consider them to be on dial up, or maybe the farm itself where you are harvesting may be on dial up. must make a difference.