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Old Jan 06 2017, 03:19 AM
Poppy559 Poppy559 is offline
Join Date: Dec 26 2016
Location: Johannesburg South Africa
Posts: 22

I personally love the ships. As a result of the ships, I have had to get a whole lot of new and active neighbours, which has also been wonderful as I love meeting new people. I have removed all the inactive players, and replaced them with new ones.

Something everyone needs to remember though is that we all live in the real world where we have responsibilities. I cannot be on FT 24 hours a day, and I respect that my neigbours cant either. I load my containers on the week end and at night when I am home and have the time, and I check in on them now and again. I will go mad if I have to sit and obsess where the ships are. Similarly, I move the ships in my port when I log on. I cant obsess about ships in my port.

The ships are a lovely extra, especially since they don't cost real money and it pains me when I read all the rude posts.
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