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Old Jan 29 2012, 10:56 PM
Farmer Homer Farmer Homer is offline
Join Date: Mar 27 2010
Posts: 54

Originally Posted by Farmer Homer View Post
I finished my "quest farm" today. I have 9 of each tree used in factories (I hope I got them all), 16 of each flower used, cows, goats, sheep, llama, geese, turkeys, horses, chickens and rabbits. I have a lake with boat, river, small and large seacoast. I have a patch work farm with 8 plots each but looks like I need to increase to 10 on some of them.

I'm loving the quests. I'm on my third, none of them has completed as yet, all have been pretty involved with several steps which makes it more of a challenge.

I get the trees and planting crops and flowers, but to put cows, goats, sheep, llama, geese, turkeys, horses, chickens and rabbits on the farm, don't you have to have the sheds etc to get the items (wool, feathers, hair etc)??
I have a chicken coop, dairy barn, wool shed, rabbit hutch and stable. They can all be bought with coins except the stable, I had accidentally bought one of each when they first came out not knowing they did the same thing, I moved the extra to the quest farm. The chicken coop and dairy shed I "harvest" after I see what I need for the quest because they are ready again before the next quest is due, this adds to my storage for my facilities. The others I only use for quests because they take longer to get ready. The same on the water features, if fish is not needed for the quest, I fish them and they go into my facility storage. They will be restocked before the next quest.

Last edited by Farmer Homer; Jan 29 2012 at 11:03 PM.
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