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Old Sep 10 2011, 12:09 PM
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Originally Posted by Mr. H View Post
True, but they can't be used on others farms and I don't believe there is a coin fishing boat, flower harvester or combine. Not to mention that there are nearly 50 FC facilities now so someone that can't afford to spend real money on the game is forced to do without tools or do without any FC facilities.

It's great, for the decorator that most decorations in FT are available for coins but it puts the burden of paying for the game solidly on the backs of the producers.

Since you mentioned other games, FV does charge FC for lots of cool decorations and animals. But I've never had to pay for any tool or any thing else that is a significant producer of coins or points. My 5x5 combine was free and built with the help of were all the animal pens and sheds and any other functional building. I've spent quite a lot on that game but never spent a penny on anything that was necessary to gaining points or coins.
I agree with MrH on this. People need to remember 2 things one is that the developers make money off the game 2 ways they are people buying farm cash and the adds on fb. The game didn't have one single farm cash item the first 8 month the game existed so the devs where making enough money to keep it running at that time so they must get a good profit form the adds. The other thing people need to be made aware of is that less the 10% of the people that play these games spend money on them. This was told by one of Zynga's top guys in an interview he did on the internet not long ago.

I think there is a happy medium for everyone. Let people build most of the cash tools and facilities with the help of friends and have some decorations for cash. Now before some of you scream at me the way zynga does this is if you don't want to beg your friends for parts you can use farm cash to buy them so you can still get your credit card out and buy the items and not have to ask one single person for a part to build something. Now I do think that these facilities or tools should be level dependent, not high levels but so a person can't start the game today and have all the cash facilities and tools built a week from now and they are only at level 20. One thing that is hurting the game is the high cost of land. Those of us that have all the cash facilities are making billions of coins and can easily buy the land but a player that can't get the cash facilities can not buy the land. People can say all they want that the game is free but it really isn't free. To play the game to the fullest you need the cash facilities to buy the land and to make stuff in other facilities. The coin facilities have a lot of products that are dependent on the cash facilities or cash water so there are a lot of stuff people can't make in the coin facilities because of that.

Now I am not against the developers making money or fc items in the game. There can even be fc tools and facilities that can't be built with the help of your friends but the bottom line is the developers need to do something or they will have no players left soon.


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