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Old Sep 10 2011, 06:59 AM
StoneFace StoneFace is offline
Join Date: Jun 12 2010
Posts: 2,104

Yeah, I can understand the newbie looking up at the every-growing mountain of high level players..... wishing someone would "give" him the opportunity to be high on the mountain too..... and complaining because the game won't change to accommodate him/her.

And I hear again the complaint that those capitalistic greedy developers are making money on their ideas, their work effort, and their product.

I try to get away once in awhile from the country's politics and the same kind of "arguments" I hear from a particular side of the political spectrum in this country: ... not fair, rich should pay their "fair share", give ME what you have....

blah, blah, blah

However.... perhaps since the game needs more new players (and it is ONLY a game).... the devs could have some "special tools" for the lower levels, say levels 1-50 or 1-75 that would allow them (give them for their non-effort) to have a taste of the "good life". And then the tools or whatever would become inactive and useless at the 50th or 75th level, and they could again play the game the way everyone else has been playing it ....

or go play farmville.

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