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Old May 08 2013, 02:36 AM
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GarrettHillBabe GarrettHillBabe is offline
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Originally Posted by dnana View Post
Hiding is great, it really does help, but if you are on farms that belong to people who layer and stack and jam as much on the farms as they can, it's going to take the processors longer to resolve the detail. Even with everything hidden, the game server and your computer still have to process what's there. WE can't see it but they can, and they have to resolve any instructions attached to all that stuff, the last of which is 'hide'. I bail on work that takes too long and I dont sweat over the bailing, they bring it on themselves by playing outside the parameters of the game.

Also, mcdaddie, stand still while the box is showing, it will speed up the games ability to resolve it's instructions if you dont keep giving it inputs.
I have to agree with you, I have for instance all animals hidden BUT it only takes effect after the hire box is when hired to work facilities or referrals on many farms I'm contending with 9 layers of crops, stacked what they can and all jammed, some jam buildings in corners AND use all four corners on 18 farms, then on top of all of that I have to wait til I click that first pop box to work and then wait again for it all to load again, OK NOW the animals aren't visible to me but as you said the computer sees them.

Why people are using so many layers on 18 farms is beyond me and to add insult to injury it's all on HUGE farms. OK Thanks but no thanks Slash for increasing the size of the farms AGAIN so that now they can layer more area on farms 1 through we have 9 layers and jam on 34x34, oh goodie, not!

These same people will complain about neighbors not doing facilities, who has the time to sit and wait and wait? Oh ya and many times sitting, waiting to be a good neighbor and oops flash crashed!
I know you speak of working from market here, tried that had an experience that has me working for neighbors (not the heavy layered ones) and staying away from that market...AND I hire neighbors only to H&P my farms. Odd thing is, I have never layered a farm, jammed my buildings on top of each other and made farm 18 for most of my trees....AND strange as it may see I NEVER run out of crops and yes I do have some duplicate facilities that use the same crops, never run out of metal nor animal products either as I have 1 of each (all but the horses) on at least 15 out of 18 farms.

Guess I'm just not in whatever race many are in and I do believe it is a race for those points since many are like at I think a billion already....I'm very happy with my 36 million+ and yes been playing since early 2009 so with my vacations from FT I figure I'm doing fine in the points....What is the prize for reaching whatever is the highest anyway? Is it a ton of FC? LOL still not tempted if it is...
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