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Old Apr 29 2011, 12:28 AM
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Docperk Docperk is offline
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Originally Posted by DebbieJ View Post
Is anyone having trouble with the Maple Trees? I've always kept some around, and they aren't showing that they can be harvested. I'm expecting this is a glitch. Also, spending Farm Cash on the new tools & facilities is only fair. That other farm game, I have to beg people to help. I don't like that. And if I don't get help right away, my progress on the game stops. And they charge outlandish prices for their goods. None of the cool stuff can be bought with coins. Anyone complaining about the prices here, well....I use this for relaxation and recreation. $40.00 of real money buys me something that I still have months from the date of purchase. Movie and dinner out costs about the same. I'll take Farm Town over that.
I planted some and harvested them right away on one field and had no problem, I planted some another field and hired some to the the field and they left. I first thought they just weren't finishing the field as usual but then found I could not harvest them either until I went to the single axe. So something may be a little fishy with it.