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Old Aug 03 2014, 05:38 PM
Jean's Farm Jean's Farm is offline
Join Date: May 07 2009
Posts: 455

Originally Posted by KnightRider View Post
The quest icon has to be clicked to be activated, or at least on mine, when you hover the cursor over it the only thing that pops up is a small pop up showing "? quests can be redeemed" and "? quests have expired" and when you move the cursor off of the icon that pop up vanishes.
I think what people are complaining about is when they are harvesting for someone who hired them in the market and they accidentally get to close to the quest box AND click opens over the farm they are harvesting and they can NOT close it.

This happens with me and my harvest buddy all the time. He gets to close and bam it's open and he has to leave and come back and I need to rehire him again.

This is ok when you are working with a neighbor who can get back to your farm to be rehired.....but if it's someone from the market who hired, you cannot get back to their farm and you loose the job.