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Old Dec 31 2016, 05:33 PM
JuliaK JuliaK is offline
Join Date: Jul 29 2009
Location: Shorewell Park Tasmania
Posts: 24

Good morning, firstly, I would like to say a big thank you to the team for creating and maintaining the best game on Facebook...
I have been working the ships since there appearance and I love the concept. I think the notifications in the toolbox are excellent, I think the manner in which we help dispatch our neighbours ship are excellent. BUT and I do say but... these ships are very time consuming and high maintenance... with the trains you send them off, pick your neighbours and sit back.. with the ships it is full on 24/7 if you want to be supportive and proactive. I have over the past week bought and dispatched all my ships.. currently I have 4 sitting empty because we can only prepare one ship in any given 24 hours...could we be able to work on 1 ship, finish it, send it on its way and then work on the next ship, finish it and send it on its way etc etc... having empty ships sitting idle it not being productive, too much time wasted.. no shipping would sit idle for any amount of time if they want to be productive....just a thought and would be happy to hear any opinions from other farmers... Happy famring!!!
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