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Old Jan 29 2010, 08:41 PM
silvia8917 silvia8917 is offline
Join Date: Dec 22 2009
Posts: 27

Originally Posted by GrannyMo View Post
Well, that's nice of you. Trying not to be bothered, I mean.

But consider this: For many players, it's rather difficult to "chat" while also doing the job you hired them to do. Some -- l'm one -- find it easier to harvest/plow in full-screen. Chat's disabled there. I do pop out of full-screen when the job is done, thank the farmer, and sometimes even comment on something I like about their farm. But chatting away while I'm also trying to a) get their harvesting/plowing done and b) watch to make sure I'm not getting timed-out (and attempting a workaround if that happens) doesn't leave a whole lot of room for small talk.

That particular style of "non-communication" doesn't suit FV, either, because there's NO real-time social interaction there whatsoever. They may both be farm games, but on that aspect of game play you're attempting to compare apples to oranges. Or making huge assumptions about why some hired workers don't chat much. Or both.

If it's conversation you want, try an Inn; in fact, I'm pretty sure any Inn you enter would be very entertained by those trivia quizzes.

I don't suppose you could just ignore the chain messages? Or better yet, reply back (since you're an advocate of communication) and nicely explain to the buddy or neighbor what these really are? For pete's sake, not everyone is hoax-savvy and it doesn't mean they're stupid.
Am I an "advocate of communication" just because I demand one reply before hiring? As far as I can remember, we're just talking about things before we hire. The chatting part is merely an observed phenomenon that people replying to hiring quizzes are usually more chatty.

And it's not conversation I want, actually. I just want to make sure that I hire someone who's really looking for work, and will quickly reply to my request. I don't find waiting for a reply interesting, though it may be viewed differently by others.

They can totally just answer my one question, get hired, go to my farm and immediately go full-screen. Finishing the job and leaving before saying "thank you" is a bit rude, but then I can't possibly control that, so I never mind.

Actually there's no way to control what a farmer does AFTER the hiring request, be it chatty, mute, going full-screen, neglecting trees, snatching work, or leaving the work in the middle. The ignore button is the most that we can do. So discussing the preference AFTER hiring is pretty futile.

But there are more choices we can make BEFORE hiring. Randomly picking just anybody is a choice, not picking people who don't reply to direct questions is a choice, hiring people who are proactive enough to answer "trivia quizzes" is another choice. There are different types of employees and different types of employers. That's all.

By the way, I reply people who send me chain messages with something like "now you've sent the message do you get what you've been promised?" I never get any answer back. LOL
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