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Old May 29 2015, 03:21 PM
CareTerr CareTerr is offline
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Join Date: Oct 10 2010
Posts: 18

I too have played FT almost from the beginning. Of course FT is a business; but so is my game. I run my farms like a business on a budget. I have to re-prioritize all the time. I make sure I keep up with buying facilities, so I budget that much real money every month. When I don't think I can afford bigger tools or bigger farms, I tighten things up - inventory trees and flowers and figure what's needed, then stream-line into one-click plots, saving space for more crops or whatever. I also use the green hand to hide ugly or extra facilities, tools, or barns. If I can't enlarge or buy another farm, I better-manage the space on the ones I have. Happy Farming.
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