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Old Jan 19 2015, 10:40 PM
unicorns4me unicorns4me is offline
Join Date: Oct 18 2014
Posts: 13

Originally Posted by Jean's Farm View Post
Sorry you are having so much trouble. I had the same virus you are talking my computer fixed.....and continued to play.

I have noticed that each new PC I buy the playing experience gets better. Maybe change the browser you are using.

Get a piece of paper and write down when and where you planted and when to harvest them. Leave it on your key board.

And to quote you...."It's a game and a BETA game at that!" No one wins this game. Just have fun and don't try to keep up with the Jones's.
Thank you Jean. That was on a totally different PC 4 and a half years ago and was one of the reasons I stopped playing then. I could not even load Farm Town without getting that stupid malware/virus thing popping up with a supposed anti virus scan. In the end I had to completely reformat my PC. I would not risk trying to load the game after that. I didn't need a computer techie. I was using Window's 98 SE at the time. The most user friendly platform Microsoft gave us. I am now using Windows 8.1 (which I hate with a passion) with Firefox and the add on 'adblockplus' to keep out all nasties hiding on Facebook. Which is why I am now playing again.

I write everything down.. I have a text book for Farm Town. I don't try to keep up with the Jones's. I don't keep up with anybody.. I play how I want to play... or rather try to. I want to be able to expand my farms as well but with them costing so much I cannot.. Anything beyond 1 million for an expansion is a rip off! And I believe there are many others who agree! Having my crops die before their due time is very off putting...... and I am not just talking about the loss of coins.. I am also including the loss of time per quest that is waiting on things and the time it takes to do all these things.. I am hoping however that this last update has somehow corrected this issue. So far, so good!

And thank you for your advice

PS. I will never use any other browser. I hate the others.

Last edited by unicorns4me; Jan 19 2015 at 10:41 PM. Reason: adding a note