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Old Nov 18 2015, 05:55 AM is offline
Join Date: Jun 12 2009
Location: Lakes Region, New Hampshire
Posts: 167

Originally Posted by Taz D View Post
Hi Tom,
To post your factories to only you, click to post as you would normally. In the first pop up will be a check box to "Show on Farm Town Wall Requests" so since you want it to be to only yourself then uncheck that box. Click the green check.
In the next pop up look in the lower left corner for a symbol with a down arrow next to it. Click the down arrow and another pop up will show. In that you can choose who sees your posts. When you finish choosing clic Save and then you can post.
Hi Taz, I have been poking around again and unchecking "Show Farm Town Wall Requests" does work. What I have not been able to get to work is the choice of "custom" or "only me" on that 2nd pop up. I reread Raul's notes, and according to those notes these two choices should work. PS, I was able to post to a specific friend, but it was clumsy since I could not choose the 'custom" or "only me" choice. This required me to contact and speak to my friend directly before posting to her. I could not just post it and wait for her to work my facilities.