Thread: Official Top Post Thread Quests
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Old Jan 09 2021, 05:34 PM
Sundos Sundos is offline
Join Date: Dec 05 2013
Posts: 92

I was short of time on last quest for 7 days.. but I did start it and got it and collected already. I don't use lifeline unless I don't think I can do it myself first of all. But like I said above, HOW would I get it from someone else. Forum says I cannot get anything but regular products from others in trade/marketplace. So I take it that anything from facilities I am not able to get that way. Copper ore is not a harvested crop, tree, flower, animal or fish right? or is that wrong in forum info? Also saw that trade warehouse is not available for quests. Though I can't figure out how to get anything there unless it is regular products either. So can you explain to me (because I must be ignorant) how would I get it from anyone else by trading in marketplace. -- I said no reply needed. but you replied. So I will try to remember to check back. The only reason I was in forum today is because now for about 28 hours I have received NO GIFTS in my game though I know others have sent them.. so where are they. I did send a "support" thing to facebook. But who know if they got that. I don't. Anyway, still no gifts ..
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