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Old May 04 2016, 11:42 AM
RozeeS RozeeS is offline
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Join Date: Feb 14 2010
Posts: 73
Default Items in Farm Cash Facilities

When is Farm Town going to give us value for money?

You put out many Retail Facilities that often need more than one item we have to make in another Farm Cash facility.

Toy Factory there are several items such as Doll, Teddy Bear, Rubber Ducky used in more than one Retail facility

Sewing Mill; Ties! I have had this facility for a very long time and still cannot produce enough to fill my retail! Even though I only probably load twice a week.

Knitting and Knotting: Hammock this is another one I have had a long time and if I load weekly into all my retail would soon run out.

Perfume Facility: Perfume I am always short of this one although at least I am able to request it using the Personal Care Factory.

Why cant you give us enough to fill our Retail at least a couple of times a week without having to buy a second Farm Cash facility in order to do so?

And I can see that I am going to have to buy another Cinnamon Facility shortly because with all the new facilities you have added my resources are slowly depleting.

Farm Town "You" sometimes up items in Coin facilities so why wont you do this for Farm Cash ones we have paid our valuable Farm Cash (Dollars) for?

I am sure there are many other items that you do not let us make enough of to supply the Retail Facilities and other Facilities that rely on these items

I have stopped loading many of these items until I have built up a big enough supply so I don't make myself short when doing co-op quests.

Personally I find this mean on your part and not within the spirit of the game; making us buy more FC facilities so we can fill the Retail items you give us and often want us to buy by putting them in the mix of Quests