Thread: Official Top Post Thread Neighbors, Super Neighbors, & Buddies
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Old May 18 2024, 09:35 AM
Santmyer Santmyer is offline
Join Date: Nov 20 2009
Posts: 226
Post Person that is no longer a neighbor is still able to send me gifts

A person that I un-neighbored last week because they have not helped me in a while is still able to send me gifts even though I do not send back and I also go to their farm through the manage option and it is showing we are not each other's neighbors or buddies. I only know this person through Slashkey as we never were FB Friends.

This happened to me twice before and I sent tickets for each to support. Within a short period of time someone there was able to look at that person through a left untouched gift and correct the glitch of them being my reverse neighbor even though they were not showing up under my list of reverse neighbors.

This time it happened, I sent a ticket to support. Either through miscommunication or for whatever reason, I am not being helped. I am getting glib replies even though I have been very specific with my responses and doing my best to follow directions to try again suggestions that I have tried several times already.

Could a moderator check on this situation? I am very self sufficient at this game, but I cannot solve this issue from my end.

Farming Since July 25, 2009 USER ID number 537090646
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