Thread: Official Top Post Thread Facility Chains
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Old Apr 17 2024, 08:02 AM
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Originally Posted by amanda1955 View Post
I have a problem with one of the import of the facility chain this has never happened before but one of my neighbours imported goods from the science club, great science book of 1,763,668,988,829 cost 6,701,893,256,241,266. there is no way known this neighbour could have that, would have to be glitch, plus I could never raise that money to import, but it does keep going higher and higher
Hi amanda1955,

It isn't possible to pick a specific product out of many that have been exported and only import that, unless that is the only product that they exported to you for that particular chain.
For example, if they ONLY want to import from the Science club they would need to use the My Chains section, look for the Science Club chain, click on the Import Products from button when it is green and then they will see which farmers have exported to them.

If they wish they can also click on Check Products to see who has also exported something specific to them like the Science Book that you mention and then decide if they still want to import. As it's a specific chain they won't be paying the huge amounts they can see in the Trading Products section but remember that in the My Chains section you could be importing everything from a specific chain, rather than a specific product within that chain.

The total cost of importing or exporting from a specific farmer your friend is seeing is only shown in the Trade Products Section not the My Chains section, and will be the cost of importing or exporting All of the products related to ALL of the chains that farmer has in common with them which is why it can be a much larger amount.

Costs running into the billions is not unusual and will climb especially when farmers are not doing it that often and can vary according to what staging capacity is. Remember that although you start with 30 days worth of capacity there are those who have reached the maximum of 2 years worth which is a considerable amount of products. The higher the staging capacity is the more you can import or export and so the higher figures will be. You earn coins by exporting, so some farmers may prefer to export first to see what coins they earned before considering the costs of importing. Even though importing costs you coins you will earn those coins back and more by using them in your own facilities.

For those that have difficultly with the higher costs of importing products, if they can not also earn those coins or more by exporting to their own neighbours there is a Resell button they can use which can help. That way they can still earn a considerable amount of coins and the farmer that exported to them can also still benefit by being able to continue exporting to them another time:
When the Resell button is dark blue it allows you to instantly ReSell all imported products instead of storing them for future use in your service facility chains, this will be less profitable than using the products but will still allow you to make a quick profit rather than just sell them at market for the regular price.

Each farmer that would like to do this can decide for themselves which farmers chains to use the Resell button on. They can also use the Check Products button to see what it is that they would be selling instead of importing to know which ones will benefit them more by importing or reselling.

Edit to add: I apologise amanda1955 that I mis-read the total figure for import. I am glad that Taz was around at the time to send you to support fo this to be looked at.

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Last edited by Tiger; Apr 17 2024 at 06:33 PM.
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