Thread: Official Top Post Thread Farm Pass
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Old Apr 16 2024, 07:06 AM
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Tiger Tiger is offline
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Originally Posted by View Post
Please could I ask if when trying to complete the farm pass rewards there could be a slight change. When we get a very specific gift requirement eg receive 15 strawberries, we are allowed to exchange gifts sent to those required as now there is nowhere within the game to specifically ask for a specific gift and as many no longer use FBook , it is so unlikely to get all gifts needed . I am sure as developers you would rather encourage players to remain playing than get so frustrated that they leave. Many thanks for reading and perhaps consider
Hi meirwen59,

Your original post is still in the suggestions section. I have copied your post to the help and support thread for Farm Pass so I could reply to you as it's not sounding like you are aware of some of these methods to request a specific gift to be sent to you:

When you first see a specific gift goal.....
  • If you already have a matching gift in your Pending Gifts section of your Gift Manager, accept just one of them. Then go to your My Gifts section and instead of storing it, click on More to request it which then shows up to your farming friends in Other Wall Requests. When they send it and you accept it, it counts towards your goal.

  • If you do not have a matching gift in your Pending Gifts section of the Gift Manger, you can exchange just one gift for the gift that you need and again instead of storing it, click on More to request it which then shows up to your farming friends in Other Wall Requests. When they send it and you accept it, it counts towards your goal.

  • When it's something like a specific gifted tree and you already have one placed on your farm, you can click on that tree on your farm, then click on Request as Gift and request it as a gift. That request then shows up to your farming friends in Other Wall Requests. When they send it and you accept it, it counts towards your goal.

  • If you already have an accepted gift in your My Gifts section that matches that goal, you can click on the More to request it which then shows up to your farming friends in Other Wall Requests. When they send it and you accept it, it counts towards your goal.

  • Using in game Messages. If it's only one gift or perhaps a few gifts needed, you can also send a message any of your farming friends and ask them if they can send you the specific gift that you need. As long as they are able to send you a gift and they can then use the Gift Icon on the message that you have sent to them to send you the specific gift that you need.

    With this method you might want to send a message to any that are currently online at that time as they may be able to send them sooner. If they can't send at that particular time, they can still use that message to send you it later in the day when they can next send you a gift.

Remember to reload the game for your goal counter to update especially if your farming friends have used the Other Wall Request page to send you a gift that you requested.

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