Thread: Official Top Post Thread Receiving-sending-exchanging Gifts
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Old Mar 05 2024, 01:03 PM
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Originally Posted by uma437 View Post
Sorry, misunderstanding: Yes, I only want to send back gifts to those who have sent gifts to me.
I do not want to send gifts everyday to all players, as some of them might not check their gifts regularly and I do not want to overload their pending gifts (they got cut by 5000).
But currently, this is the only option I have if I want to send gifts to others in a practicable way. I use the "send gifts" tab in the gift manager to send gift back after I have accepted all gifts. In this tab, I can not select farmers who have sent a gift to me before. So I have to select all.

Normally, after accepting gifts, in the gift manager, in the tab pending gift, a buttons appeared: "send gift back to all".
This button does not show up anymore if my gift box is full and I think this is a bug because it formerly used to appear when the gift box was full too.

In this case, I can only send gifts back one by one, so I would have to click to each gift sender, and I am too lazy to do that.

If I not use the farmpass, I can accept one batch of gifts, send back gifts to all senders, then store the gifts in the tab "my gifts" (so the box is empty again) and can accept the next batch and so on.

But now, as I have activated the farmpass, I get a higher amount of gifts by accepting one batch and my gift box is immediately full.

So the point is, if I have accepted some gifts and the gift box is not full, a button appears "send back gift to all". If I have accepted gifts and the gift box is full, this button does not appear and the only way to send back gifts directly to the sender from which I have just accepted a gift is to click on every single one of them. So 100 clicks instead of one.

I hope you understand now what I mean.

Best regards, Ursula

Hi Ursula,

Sorry to step in and answer you as well but it is sounding to me like you feel somewhat responsible or pressured by others into to doing some of this and may be part of the reason for some difficulties with your current method. I apologise if I am mistaken about that.
As other members will be able to read this and may still not know the maximum the gift box will hold is 5000, I am also listing another reason when gifts will be removed.

What happens when farmers reach the maximum is that the oldest gifts are are automatically removed and if it's been quite some time since they accepted any, the Pending gifts that are not accepted in a 60 day time frame will be also be removed automatically.

Other famers not accepting gifts is not your problem when they choose not to accept them and then end up with a full gift box and/or lose them due to amount and time. That is their choice.

What you want to do yourself is always your choice, so I am only suggesting some options you may not be aware of or may not have tried yet.

To address the Return to ALL issue when you choose not to accept gifts often:

When you are not accepting gifts often what happens is you can end up with multiple gifts from the same farmer. When you first use the Return to All you won't have already sent a gift to any farmer that day so then that button will show up.

BUT when you Accept more gifts if a farmer gift is at the top and you cant send one to them due to having already sent one then the Return to All won't show and that's why when you scroll the list you would have to send back one by one or use a different method to send them.

Having said that, it is possible to still get the Return to All show up despite that. It will be up to you to see if the method I will show you would be one you want to try or use and it if it works every single time when your gift box is full as well. Mine is not full, I like to accept & return often, so I can't be 100% sure.
  1. On a new day OR when your time is up to be able to send gifts to everyone.

    Accept and return to All the first page of gifts.

    DON'T click on Load More Gifts to see more gifts.

  2. Instead, go to MY gifts first and Store what you just accepted.

  3. THEN go back to Pending Gifts and when you accept the next lot of gifts even if a farmer is at the top who you already sent a gift to, the Return to ALL button should be showing up when you Accept them.

Sending Gifts if you do not want to do or try the above method:

Using the Send Gift section you do not have to only use the Select 50 at the bottom of that window.

When you pick a gift to send, you can use the filters at the top to change the list to show various farmers like like Recently Sent to, Farmers Helping me. There are quite a few so you will need to look and see if any of those would better than your current method of just sending to all 50 farmers that show up without using those filters.

That could also be quicker than using the search box to type in specific farmers names so that you only see those farmers then you can use the button at the bottom to send to just those farmers.

This is not something we can try for you as you may want to do different things at different times or different days, you may have more farmers to send back to than at other times, but it's worth you having a look.

If those methods are not suitable for you, you can always post in the suggestions areas and request and additional filter in the Farmers Lists to use which we don't have at this time. In your case it sounds like you would like one that was along the lines of "Sent me a Gift Today". The developers will look there and it will be up to them to determine if it's possible to do and they want to add it.

The only thing I can recommend to prevent your gift box being full all the time is that you do exchange and accept at least a couple of pages when it is full so you don't lose them.

It's always also possible that if not all your farming friends are getting a gift from you daily they may also choose to do the same thing as you are, and not send you any as they have not received one.

Remember that some farmers can send gifts every 2 hours if they want to and those that don't own the gifting machines can only send every 8 hours.

You could at times be missing that some have actually sent you a gift recently but it's not immediately in view when you are only accepting one page of gifts so it's possible that you could get stuck in a loop with some farmers and that neither of you happy that you are not getting a gift when the time comes that you or they really need them.

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Last edited by Tiger; Mar 05 2024 at 01:10 PM.
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