Thread: Official Top Post Thread Neighbors, Super Neighbors, & Buddies
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Old Nov 13 2023, 09:27 PM
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Taz D Taz D is offline
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Originally Posted by trina531 View Post
Hi I have a concern....I have played for 13 years and know all of my neighbors by their name and their avitar name.. Last week when I went to my requests I had an avitar name I did not recognize...TAZ JR...I thought someone had changed their avitar name...but today when I went to my requests another random name showed up. Country Girl...I contacted her and she was very evasive I would not tell me if we were friends....I am very careful never add random friends or have I added buddy or friends I get when people have worked my farms. so I thought you should be aware of this. I check my buddy list and friend lists and used filters and could not find them...THIS KINDA CREEPS ME OUT!!!
Hi Trina,
The only way you would see someone in your My Requests would have to be that they are your neighbor or buddy or you are their's. Either you added them at some point or let them add you.

Look in the Gifts manager and change the filter for the list when you go to send a gift to the heading Farmers that have you as a neighbor and see if they are listed there. Also change to the heading Farmers that have you as a buddy and look there for them.

If they are there, then try to send them a gift and see if they send one back to you or better, a train boost request.

Then you should see them in the panel below the game screen as Manage.

You could add them as buddy so that way you could go to their farms and delete yourself as neighbor and buddy.
Dubh Glais Estates
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