Thread: Official Top Post Thread Quests
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Old Sep 11 2023, 05:41 PM
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Originally Posted by frostbiteagain View Post
thank you so much for getting back to me. I thought the time started when you did the first step. all this time I've been trying to make sure I don't harvest or make anything until I have 3 or 4 quests lined up.
Hi frostbiteagain,

There is more than one 7 day timer.

When you claim FC, a 7 day timer starts and won't let you claim again until 7 days has passed. That's all that particular 7 day timer is for, it prevents you claiming again in less than 7 days since you last claimed FC.

When you complete the last step on any Quest, each Quest has an individual 7 day timer that starts the second the last step is completed.

A quest will expire when it reaches 7 days old since you completed the last step on it.

So using this example:
  • claimed FC Mon 10 am
  • first quest completed after Mon 10am was on Wed at 10am
Next Monday 10 am you could claim FC IF you had completed enough Quests.

By not completing the last step on any quests until Wed 10 am that gives you some extra time the following week after Monday 10 am to claim, just in case you are late claiming or need some extra time to complete another quest to get 2 FC.

As you did not complete the last step on any quest until Wed 10 am you will then have given yourself all of the rest of Monday and Tuesday next week to complete another one as the first Quest you completed on Wed 10 am won't expire until the following Wed 10 am.

The days and times in Show Quests, which are on every quest completed, are there to help you know how long ago you completed it. When a time on a Quest in Show Quests gets to 7 days old that Quest no longer counts.... if you have not claimed by then.

It's the LAST step on a Quest that you DON'T want to complete for at least one or even 2 days after claiming FC. It's quite hard to get 8 quests done within 7 days, some Quests take far longer to do than others and you never know which ones you will get.

If you own the Start or Load tools for the facilities you can remove the check mark on a product made or stocked in a facility to prevent that last step from being completed. You just have to remember that you need to know how long that last step will take to complete so that it's done in time for you to collect your FC and before any of your completed quests get to 7 days old. Then you also need to remember to put that check mark back on the product in the facility so you can continue making or loading it after then.

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