Thread: Official Top Post Thread Facilities and Facility Manager
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Old May 02 2023, 10:03 AM
Queen.of.Clutter Queen.of.Clutter is offline
Join Date: Aug 25 2009
Location: Cumbola, Pennsylvania
Posts: 263

I am beside myself ... I opened my Facility Manager to see what ingredients I am short on so I know what to choose for the Farm Pass rewards, and it looked really odd. After many sorts, MEMCACHE clearing, computer cleaning and defrag, re-start etc - it's still a mess.

EVERYTHING that I had unchecked is now checked ! I can't sort by Utilization - all of it was at 100% and it's all basically alphabetical anyway ...

A LOT of time was put in researching what products to turn off, which aren't used in other factories or service facilities, so I can best use the products I have. GONE. I cannot believe I have to do that ALL OVER AGAIN. I am currently playing it on Facebook still. If I didn't have thousands of dollars invested in this game I would just pitch it at this point.

I looked throughout the Forum and couldn't find if this is just a glitch or not. Will it correct itself at some point?
Queen.of.Clutter's Farm
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