Originally Posted by BelliBut10
It says at the bottom of this site that Slashkey owns it. I bought the biggest program and find that I really don't like it. When I do it, I get maybe 800 products per clicking the turbo clicker. With the one that costs around $8.00 I would get 60,000 or a bit less after that clicker. I spent 3 times as much for so much less gifts. I just don't understand this. I'm so upset over this. Can you please help me, means there is no help on the site.. Sharon (BelliBut10) Thank you.
Hi Sharon,
I am sorry, but contrary to what they say on the site, Slashkey does not own any of the gift sites. Nor are they affiliated with any of those sites. I am sorry you are having problems with that site, but there is nothing we can do to help you for your problem. You will need to contact the management of the site for any problems.
I have check this site and all it says at the bottom of the page is that the pictures are all owned by Slashkey. That is a disclaimer to say they are pictures created by Slashkey for the gifts. It does not say that Slashkey owns the site.