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Old Oct 19 2022, 12:38 PM
RozeeS RozeeS is offline
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Join Date: Feb 14 2010
Posts: 73

I am sure many of us have questions about moving to Farm Town's own website. Maybe a dedicated thread so we can see what has been asked and answered? Sorry but not going to suggest this in the proper place.

I welcome this move because some months back I had issues getting on FB asking me for ID, that I provided and accepted, but I was still locked out of my FB account.

I feel FB, since it changed to Meta, is a mess and is gearing up to business type of things and don't really care about their gaming community. This may turn out to be a mistake on their part.

I have friends who have lost their Farm Town account because they have been locked out of their FB accounts or because they can't currently play Farm Town with their new computer/mac/laptop/handheld on FB. They didn't know how it would impact playing farm Town on FB when upgrading their hardware.

Question 1
If someone is currently locked out of their FB will they be able to retrieve their account on the new website or is this only going to be possible if they can get back into their FB account?
What if they use an email that is registered with FB but can't access FB. Does that mean they will have to start over with Farm Town on the new website like getting a new FB account?

Question 2
If someone cannot currently play Farm Town on FB because of some technicality, does that mean they wont be able to keep their game, as it was when they stopped playing, and have to start over or will there be some way of transferring their game over to the new FT website?

Question 3
Can you confirm that once this new website is up and running, we will no longer need a FB account to play and can close our FB account?

I have been thinking of quitting FB for sometime and to know I can continue with my current FT game on a your dedicated website is fantastic news. (I have another game on FB that has done this and I no longer play this game on FB. The web game and the FB are not compatible though, they are completely different games saved at the time of transfer).
Can you confirm that this will be the case for Farm Town or will FB and Web based game be the same if we switch between the two?

Thank you for your replies, you do a great job

Last edited by RozeeS; Oct 19 2022 at 12:45 PM.