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Old Sep 06 2022, 08:23 AM
storm36 storm36 is offline
Join Date: Nov 25 2009
Posts: 126

The seasonal task that requires a player to work at a ft friend/neighbors facility x number of times needs to be a realistic number especially if they only count as 1 point regardless of how many of that specific facility the player owns.

Example: I currently have to work at my ft friends/neighbors Hospital 182 times .. I have 91 ft friends, 86 are neighbors .. only 28 of them have this FC facility and 9 only work their facilities/farms every 2-3 days so working this facility that number of times will make it impossible to complete the task. my progress so far is 57 out of 182 since FP was released and there are less than 48 hrs to get the task completed.
Farm link - To add me as a neighbor**/buddy from the FT website Click here

**My neighbors' list is full but I can still accept so I am your neighbor but will have to add you as a buddy on my end of the game. I have plenty of room for buddies.