Thread: Official Top Post Thread Neighbors, Super Neighbors, & Buddies
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Old Aug 27 2022, 07:11 PM
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marymarcel marymarcel is offline
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Originally Posted by Larwin View Post
my friends get mad at me for advertising i need neighbors or they dont say anything at all to me. think everyone on my contacts just ignores me now if i post about the game. why can't i add neighbors within farm town. its backward. i understand i need get players outside the game to play. and a lot of people like me don't have social friends and game friends at same time. seems i should be able ask people from within the game to be my neighbor since we both play the game rather than try to get people that aren't even gamers to play the game. i had to go share my personal facebook page with people outside the game to add them as neighbors so much i had to block my contact list from being seen by even people i know. i like that facebook cared enough to allow us to not share our contacts. but to me it seems the game is backward and i should be allowed to add neighbor 'inside' the game not 'outside' the game.
If you want to make a suggestion, then post it in our Suggestion section.

You cant start a new thread there, but you can post as a reply to a thread that fits with your idea.

This is the link to Suggestions:

We have an open thread where you can ask for friends/neighbors is you wish

Also, you can restrict the audience for your posts when you post something about the game by creating a friend list in Facebook.
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