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Old Jul 04 2022, 07:03 AM
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Tiger Tiger is offline
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Default Facility Chain Rules and how that weeks facilities are offered.

Facility Chain Rules and how that weeks facilities are offered.

A balance between how many regular chains and how many services chains must be maintained so that you can Import and Export with others or you could end up with everyone having the same chains and no-one to be able to Import/Export with.

Each week the type of facilities you are offered considers how many chains of each type (factories or services) you have.

Once it is determined which currency of the chain will be available in the current week (coins or Farm Cash), we then calculate how many chains you already have for each type *for that particular currency* (coins/Farm Cash).

The type of the facilities for you to choose from will vary each week.
It could be any of the following combinations:
  • Regular COIN facilities.

  • Regular FARM CASH facilities.

  • COIN Service facilities.

  • FARM CASH Service facilities.

The first week we will show you only coin facilities, the second week only Farm Cash facilities and so on.
Whether we show you regular or service facilities chains will depend on the types of facility chains you have created in the past, which is explained further down this post.

From the facilities you are shown you can select one facility to convert into a chain.

The criteria to reach "Chain Status"
  • You need to have 2 of the same facility, each located on a different farm from the other.

  • If you have more than 2 facilities only the first 2 will be part of the chain, based on the farm order where they are located at any given time.

  • You also need to achieve Dan 7th Degree on each product produced or used in that facility.

How the balance is maintained between:
  • the amount of coin regular facilities and coin services.

  • the amount of Farm Cash regular facilities and Farm Cash services.
  1. If your next chain is a Farm Cash chain and you already have 2 farm cash regular chains and 2 farm cash services, then that is an equal amount and your next Farm Cash chain will be a regular chain.

    The same applies with coin chains. If your next chain is a coin chain and you already have 2 coin regular chains and 2 coin services, then that is an equal amount and you next coin chain will be a regular chain.

  2. If the amount of factory chains you have is *less or equal* to the amount of service chains you have then the current week chain type will be a factory, if not, it will be a service.

    When there are NO facilites showing in the Add Chains section, that means that you can not add a new chain yet.

    Example of why:

    If that week was to add a coin regular chain but you already have more coin regular chains than you have coin service chains, you would have to wait for the week when you can add another coin service chain and then add one of those, before you could add another coin regular chain.

    This maintains the balance needed between regular chains and service chains.

    Remember the weeks rotate between offering coin facilities and farm cash facilities as well as regular facilities or service facilites.

    If you only have coin chains, you will be able to start a coin chain every other week.
    Week 1 you will be able to start a regular coin facility chain.
    Week 2 you will skip if you have no regular Farm Cash facilites.
    Week 3 you will be able to start a coin service facility chain.
    Week 4 you will skip if you have no Farm Cash service facilites.

    Note: if you miss the week to add a coin chain you would need to wait until that came around again to be able to add another chain of that type.

Only the facilities that have a *strong* supply/consumption relationship to another facility can be converted into chains.
For Example:
  • The Medical Supplies Factory CAN be a chain because it supplies the Hospital.
    The Music Conservatory CAN be a chain because it consumes from the Musical Instruments Factory.

  • The Healthy Juice Stand can NOT be a chain because is not related to any other facility.
    The Rubber Factory can NOT be a chain because is related to TOO MANY facilities.

  • If facility X is related to facility Y
    You can have a chain of facility X OR a chain of facility Y.
    You could have a chain of Cuban Restaurants (regular facilities which makes the products stocked in the Taste of Cuba)
    OR a chain of Taste Of Cuba (service facilities which needs the products made in the Cuban Restaurant)
    You can NOT have both of them as chains.
    This to encourage players owning a chain of X to trade products with neighbours owning a chain of Y.

When you become familiar with the feature, you may benefit with communicating with your neighbors so that you can agree to add chains that benefit you both.
For example:
  • Neighbour A create chains of Musical Instruments Factories and Hospitals
  • Neighbour B create chains of Medical Supplies Factories and Music Conservatories

Means that:
  • Neighbour A can export products produced in its Musical Instruments Factory chain to Neighbour B Music Conservatory chain
  • Neighbour B can export products produced in its Medical Supplies Factory chain to Neighbour A Hospital chain

Last edited by Tiger; Jul 05 2022 at 03:33 PM.