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Old Dec 07 2021, 12:42 PM
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marymarcel marymarcel is offline
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Originally Posted by Robbo Robson View Post
No change. My computer got re-imaged tonight. It is working a little faster. Most things in Farmtown work but.....
I still cannot send gifts. I have check my version of Chrome, no issues. I have checked the cookie restrictions, none. I even logged into google hoping it would allow me to send gifts. Nope.
This is my problem #1410128365. I checked the other ideas previously submitted. I am up to date on everything. I am only guessing that something got installed in the FT network cause it appears others are having similar problems. In the interim, I will keep checking this string to see if anyone is able to figure the problem.
Hi Robbo

You dont say if you tried other updated browser with 3rd party cookies allowed in it.

Is this happening only trying to send gifts from Send gifts tab or also sending gifts back from your My Requests tab?

If you have trains, do you also have the problem trying to send train boost requests to friends?

Did you check if you have any extension in your browser or if your antivirus could be blocking you for sending gifts?

How many friends do you have playing the game? If you have lot of friends that could be the reason why the lists are not loading. Facebook determine the amount of friends and that is something we cant change.