Thread: Official Top Post Thread Hiring and Bonus Chest
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Old May 22 2021, 09:04 AM
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Taz D Taz D is offline
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Originally Posted by hellzfury View Post
Everytime I go to the Marketplace, to hire someone, it is real slow, my screen will freeze up, it goes black, then within a few seconds I am back at my home page on my computer. Telling me Chrome didnt shut down correctly---this has been going on ever since we have been able to hire people. I have been able to hire some, but it is really slow. I use a mouse and it seems that when I try to hire someone, the mouse moves really slow . It is like there is an overlay and you are trying to find the gap, So most of the time I have to do my own farming. Is this a problem that anyone else is having?
Hi Hellzfury,
That sounds like your Chrome or your computer is having a problem of some kind. Make sure your computer and Chrome are up to date. You might also try uninstalling and reinstalling your Chrome to correct any problems in it.
Another thing you should try is to clear your browser cache. When you do this it will take longer to load the first time because it has to download all the graphics again.
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