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Old Apr 29 2021, 01:16 PM
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marymarcel marymarcel is offline
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Originally Posted by Sundos View Post
my quest - not going so well.. last issue is I started a quest today, finished it today, along with having finished the one that I had to start yesterday since it messed me up to collect 8 quests on the previous quest because of some storage issue and then time went slightly over 7 days since we had gotten messed up with quests earlier in the week and that cost me some time .. ANYWAY..
the one I started today and finished today and now tried to collect coins for the day from it since it was done.. SAYS IT HAS BEEN OVER 7 DAYS since I started the quest so it did not count .. LOL.... when this issue gets fixed for sure and not maybe, maybe you could let me know, but I am not killing myself to get 1 or 2 farm cash by getting up at all hours of the night to maybe get to collect from 8 quests and being messed over by all the issues to find out that it messed up and took like 15 minutes over time to collect that one.. then make a new one that is rigged to be something that I had to wait almost 21 hours to harvest a flower.. lol.. rigged .. and couldn't usea life line that worked correctly by allowing me to harvest someone elses or work in facilities.. and end up with less than 1/2 of needed flower ... THANKS.. for reading.. I am out for a few days at least
-USER ID number ( 1303461736 ) Sundos
Hi Sundos

That quest was completed today at 09:33 eastern time and you collected 2 farmcash today at 13:57 eastern time.

That quest was included as it was completed before you collected your farmcash, it has always been that way.
Avoiding collecting coins do not work to save a quest for the next week. Once it is completed, you know that as it has a green check mark, it counts for that week.

If you want to save quests for next week, then you have to uncheck the last step in case you have the tools to start/load all through the facility manager or if you dont own those tools, then you dont have to start the last step, till at least the next day after collecting your cash.

Last edited by marymarcel; Apr 29 2021 at 01:21 PM.