Thread: Official Top Post Thread Tools and Fuel
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Old Apr 29 2021, 07:26 AM
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Originally Posted by Lawhed View Post
I actively click on requests like fuel tanks for other players in the game, recently I have been watching the total in my storage unit for a week now and have noticed that this hasn't changed in the slightest, even though I am clicking on at least 30 of these requests a day, is this a problem just with me or is it a game thing at the present. I noticed when things went down at start of year my fuel tanks went to zero when I had at least 30000 in there now down to 20000, any explanation.
Hi Lawhed,

I have moved your post to the Tools and Fuel thread.

The use of Fuel was temporarily suspended for several months. It has recently been enabled again so you will be back to using your Fuel for everything that requires Fuel in the game.

A common mistake made by many when clicking on requests is that when a request has a Fuel Tank picture in it they are usually not reading what the text says which tells them whether the post is a request for ingredients to make Fuel Tanks or a bonus post of Fuel Tanks for reaching a new belt or dan level for that product.

Have a look at the requests you are clicking on and see what the text is saying. I expect what you are clicking on are requests for ingredients for Fuel which don't give you Fuel tanks.

When it says " Can you send me ingredients to make 68 x Fuel Tank (4 batches)? YOU will get 50%! " that is a request for the ingredients to make Fuel Tanks, so you get crude oil sent to storage to make them, you don't get Fuel Tanks. When it's this one what they will have done is clicked on the + icon on the Fuel Tanks in the Oil refinery which requests the ingredients to make Fuel Tanks.

The only time you get Fuel Tanks from a request is when it says something like this " I just reached the Fuel Tank 5th Dan Degree ", the belt or dan may be different in the request, but that is when it's a bonus post for Fuel Tanks so that would be when you get Fuel Tanks instead of crude oil.

As the Belts and Dans are not added back to the game yet, it's very unlikely that anyone is posting bonuses for Fuel Tanks, they are probably requesting ingredients. Currently the only way to get fuel at the moment is to make it, work Facilities that have the Oil Refinery with Fuel tanks being made in them and to accept gifts of Fuel.

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