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Old Apr 12 2021, 11:35 AM
JohnAlbertini JohnAlbertini is offline
Join Date: Oct 08 2010
Posts: 578

I've reported this before but today was especially BAAAAD!
We, my wife USER ID number ( 1523696796 ) & I USER ID number ( 777658954 ) have a FB friend (NOT a FT neighbor) who hires us regularly to harvest etc. his 43 farms.

FT REPEATEDLY crashed when moving to the next farm, not every farm but OFTEN, sometimes 4-5 times in 43 farms, today at least 20 times. I close the browsers, reopen and load FT. Sometimes we get a rehire message to go back but sometimes not.

It is a MAJOR PIA. Can't this be fixed?! Why does FT crash when working farms for others? Almost NEVER happens when hired by others at the job marketplace but he hires us at the inn since that is an easier place to connect. NO idea if that would make a difference.

We REPEATEDLY clear memcache AND browser cache so that his no affect.

Windows 10 Vivaldi (Chromium based browser)