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Old Apr 06 2021, 06:39 AM
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Tiger Tiger is offline
Join Date: Mar 12 2010
Location: UK but i'd rather be somewhere hot and sunny :) with a swimming pool!
Posts: 9,396

Originally Posted by tina7447 View Post
I want to change my status. Went to market to do it and told me I needed to be at market, which I was. Not a major problem but thought you should know. Thank you.
Hi tina7447,

Could you provide more information about your issue please.
  1. Has this only happened today, have you been able to do this fine prior to today?
  2. Are you using a computer or a mobile device (mobile phone/tablet/iPad) when this happens?
  3. Where were you and what were you doing prior to going to market?
  4. Had you gone from your own farms to market or from another farmers farms?
  5. Were you online or offline?
  6. Were you full screen or regular screen?
  7. Which market did you have a problem doing this in and which status were you trying to change to. Was it changing the status message that is under your avatar at market that had the problem or what it when you tried to use the buttons at the side of the market that change your nameplate to a different color, if it was one of those which one?

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